Monday, October 31, 2016

Fog Dog

Yesterday we were shrouded in mist. The sky was milky and opaque; trees hulked in the gray distance like elephants. It was very Halloween-ish weather.

Olga explored the back garden in the morning and then we walked to the Heath. With our vision obscured and sound muffled, I could understand why this time of year developed a spectral aspect. Everything seemed a bit creepy. If ever there was a time to meet a disembodied spirit on the path, this was it.

That didn't happen, though. (Apologies to those of you who wanted a ghost story.)

Instead, I found a perfectly good terra cotta flowerpot lying on its side under a tree, still half full of potting soil. There was no plant -- unless it was the ghost of a plant -- and how it got to Hampstead Heath I have no idea. I picked it up and brought it home, and put a real-life plant in it.

I did finish "Swamplandia!" yesterday, which coincidentally featured some supernatural elements. I was lamenting a week or two ago that I hadn't chosen a specific Halloween read this year, but in fact, I did without knowing! I liked it in the end, once I applied myself.


  1. I wonder how much you get paid at The American School. Obviously not enough as you are always bringing found stuff home. Shall I make up a food parcel for you?

  2. Sounds a bit more October-like...Did you actually enjoy the book or was it somewhat of a slog?

  3. Well, ghost-ly will have to do.
    I wonder why I did not like Swamplandia. It just hit all of the wrong chords for me.

  4. Some foggy days and nights can be a bit eerie. You mention muffles sound and many people don't notice this in a heavy fog.

  5. Ooooh....that sounds like perfect weather for this time of year. Especially for this Halloween weekend!

  6. it's been very foggy here here for the past several mornings with dew glistening on the spider webs that seem to be everywhere.

  7. Nothing but sunshine here. Happy Halloween though.

  8. Another beautiful environmental portrait of Olga. Your back garden is lovely.

  9. I love that picture of Olga! I was about to say that we haven't had our traditional fall fog yet, but frankly I work from home so much that it could easily have happened a lot & I wouldn't know :)
