Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Organ

I've walked Olga in Hampstead Cemetery I don't know how many times, yet I don't remember ever seeing this gravestone before yesterday. Isn't it amazing? A pipe organ, complete with bench! The epitaph didn't give any clues about why, but I'm guessing someone was an organist.

(A regular Sherlock Holmes, right? I missed my calling.)

I not only took Olga to the cemetery yesterday, but also a special out-of-town guest: Sharon from Phoenix Daily Photo. Sharon is visiting The Big Smoke and since we've been reading each other's blogs for years, we decided to meet up. Sharon's pictures always make me envious of her blue skies and abundant sunshine, and what often looks like perfect 75º F weather, even though I'm sure it's more like 110º F on many days.

Anyway, she came to our place in West Hampstead and we chatted over iced tea (which I later found out that Dave made by dipping a tea bag in a glass of cold water, which I'm not sure really works). Then we took a walk.

First we went to Fortune Green, where we threw the Kong for Olga. (And boy, was she fired up. Lots of barking and running around. Maybe because she had a new audience.) Then, after strolling through the cemetery, we briefly walked over to the adjacent athletic fields, where rugby teams were throwing around the ol' pigskin beneath dramatic skies.

On the way home we found this "beautiful" artwork sitting atop a wall -- a modern Venus de Milo, with steel wool hair. Sharon speculated that it may be another work by this artist (whose pieces, by the way, are still displayed/abandoned in West End Green).

After Sharon departed for the tube and I picked up some cleaning, Dave and I had a quiet night at home. We couldn't even be motivated to cook. We ate tuna sandwiches and watched "Gardener's World," where we were amused to learn that there's a daffodil with the latin name Narcissus assoanus. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. Even the host of the show, before pronouncing the plant's name, said, "Now I don't want any snickering from the back row!"

(We snickered. Laughed out loud, in fact.)

Today we're off to Oxford! Gotta get packing!


  1. A London cemetery I would love to visit is Highgate. Have you been there?

  2. Steve, thanks again for a lovely afternoon and that beautiful walk in the park and the cemetery. And, please thank Dave for the iced tea. What a treat. The only iced tea I've had since I've been here and yes you can make it in cold water. I've actually read that some people put tea bags in a picture of water and put the whole thing in fridge overnight and have a pitcher of tea the next day.
    It was wonderful to see your fabulous garden that I've heard so much about. It really is a stunning little oasis in the city. I was also impressed by the beauty of your neighborhood. But, most of all it was great to finally meet you and Dave and frisky Olga. What a treat!
    Have a wonderful holiday in Oxford!

  3. What a great find this organ is, I love old cemeteries sculputres. Great you and Sharon met and spent a wonderfun afternoon together! Have a wonderfun time in Oxford!

  4. Looks just like a regular daffodil to me. I was expecting something a bit more...uh, well...anatomical?
    Glad you got to meet another blogger. It's always a good thing, isn't it?

  5. The pipe organ memorial looks like it's been there for a long time. Now you'll have to research this person. Now wouldn't you like to have a middle school class with a name that starts with ass?

  6. more abandoned art. that's a thing I hear. you make a piece of art and abandon it somewhere for someone to find and take home. and the organ is fabulous.

  7. Around here, tuna sandwiches count as cooking. Just saying.

    Have a great time in Oxford!

  8. How wonderful that you and Sharon got to meet. I'm always amazed when blog friends get together and just hit it off.
