Thursday, October 27, 2016

Web Wandering with Marilyn

I've just been down an Internet rabbit hole, reading about whether a dress auctioned in 2011 for more than $5 million was really the same dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in "The Seven Year Itch." How did I stumble onto this article? I was looking for a certain Marilyn-inspired artwork, prompted by a post on Facebook. I never did find the artwork. In fact, I may have made it up.

Sometimes wandering around the Web leads us to strange places. It's an interesting bit of Hollywood controversy, though.

And it's a good thing I have that to mention, because otherwise I have nothing. Yesterday was pretty uneventful. While walking home from work, I finished an excellent podcast called "In the Dark," about the kidnapping and murder of Jacob Wetterling in Minnesota in 1989. I'm kind of liking this walking-and-listening-to-podcasts thing -- it's a good way to get exercise, save money on the tube and stay entertained! I'm about to start the second season of "Serial," about Bowe Bergdahl and his disappearance from his Army post in Afghanistan.

Today and tomorrow are parent-teacher conference days, which means library traffic will be significantly down. I hope to finish weeding and reorganizing the fiction section, a project I began several weeks ago.

(Photo: Hornsey Road, North London.)


  1. At the Monday night quiz in "The Rising Sun" question twelve was an anagram - nominates - clue an American state. Can you work it out? Another clue is - it's in your blogpost!

  2. Maybe I should start listening to podcasts. I do truly love listening to my books, though.

  3. The web can lead us to many places. Facebook is the worst for me. It's surprising the people you find.

  4. I've found Twitter to be a good entrance to the rabbit-hole. Whenever I visit twitter I seem to get sucked into reading things I never would have seen before. Some good....some not so good.

  5. it can certainly suck you in. log on and several hours have disappeared.

  6. Yorkshire - it's Minnesota! I find Facebook to be the entrance to the rabbit hole and when I finally tear myself away I'm disgusted at how much time I wasted!

  7. Now I'm really curious about this fictional Monroe-inspired artwork!

  8. I've been down one rabbit-hole or another too many times! Overall, though, the internet has brought me more than it has taken away. But I have to be careful not to sit too long. It's one of the causes of my back and hip issues!

  9. I've been listening to Anna Karenina in the car. I've read it several times, but it's glorious to hear it! I'm not much of a one for podcasts -- I don't think I "listen" well.

  10. The few times I've done audio books I enjoyed them and yet I never think to listen to a book or even podcasts. I imagine it has to do with needing to be full absorbed and listening allows me to get into other simultaneous activities, and then I get distracted.
