Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Today's the Day

Supposedly we got some frost last night. It's still too dark out to tell how the plants fared, but we brought our geraniums indoors. I can definitely see ice on the cars in the street, glistening under the streetlights.

So this is finally it -- election day in the USA! I hope it's the day we put all this Trumpery behind us. If we get a Democratic Senate, all the better. But I have a sinking feeling that even if the predictions are borne out and Hillary wins, we'll be entering a period of unprecedented partisan conflict. Some conservatives hate Hillary so much it's pathological. Her path will not be easy.

Dave and I are thinking we might stay up and watch the election results. I haven't done that in years and years -- it could be fun. I'm not sure how we'll do it -- I guess we could stream one of the American networks here in the UK, or we could watch the BBC. We'll figure something out.

Let's hope voters choose "a hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted America," as Hillary put it, over Trump's dark dystopia.

(Photo: Outside a community center in Cricklewood, on Sunday.)


  1. I'm hopeful. It's nice to sit here, typing away on my computer late at night on the west coast, knowing that you're rising on Election Day!

  2. It's the first time that I'm awaiting an US election such eagerly. There are a lot of reports in the TV programs here for tonight (and have been the last couple of days). So tonight I won't get much sleep.

  3. How nice that someone had the vision to reuse those old tyres as plant pots - even painting them up - to create a little character and show a little love. These are things that boorish Trump could never appreciate but Hillary... I know she would see it and applaud it. Just a little thing.

  4. A sort of peace has come over me this morning. What will be will be.
    But it's going to be a very, very long day.

  5. I would love to see a landslide for Hillary but I really just want her to win! And then hope the haters won't get out of control.
    I have never been so nervous about an election so keep thinking positive thoughts, please.

  6. It's going to be okay. There's nothing to worry about...

    I say this three times every night before I go to bed, and I'm pretty sure that it's had an effect on the outcome of the election.

    It's going to be okay...

  7. I'm going to avoid as much of it as possible. nothing else to be done. shoot. should have gone to the movies today.

  8. I'll be holding my breath all day long....

  9. As my Dad used to say, "You ain't seen nothin yet." I'm worried that the fight is only starting.

  10. I hope she wins with enough of a margin to discourage any nonsense afterwards. I'm scared to death, I won't even lie.

    "Trumpery" is a great word. I, too, hope it becomes a nasty memory after today.

  11. My favorite social media quote of today is "I can't wait to watch the finale of the United States of America."

    I hope we'll be cheering at the end.

  12. It should be an interesting night.

  13. Sadly, Ohio has just gone to Trump. What are people thinking? It is a disgrace.
