Saturday, December 31, 2016

Back in Bradenton

And now we're back in Bradenton, at a trusty Ramada Inn near the Tamiami Trail, which as a child I always thought was a genuine Indian word. Then someone told me the truth -- that it's simply an amalgam of Tampa and Miami. Not nearly as exotic as it first seemed.

Our room faces the highway and last night as I got ready for bed, a motorcycle went by and it was loud -- even though we had the door and window closed. I thought, "This is not a good sign." But then I slept like a log. I was exhausted.

Dave and I drove down from Tampa yesterday morning, after returning to my stepmother's house and collecting the car and the stuff we left behind there during the cruise. As we crossed over the Sunshine Skyway I thought about how weird it was to go both over and under that massive bridge on the same day. The weather was windy and cool and the kite surfers were out on Tampa Bay.

We spent the day with Dave's parents and sister, mostly eating. It's the quintessential family activity, I suppose!

My sea legs have mostly vanished. I no longer feel that omnipresent rocking motion. And let me just say, I am thrilled to be in a place where the Internet doesn't cost 75 cents a minute!

(Top photo: A fire hydrant in Bradenton. I was intrigued by that dark wall of feathery Australian pines.)


  1. Going over and under that bridge in the same day, must be a unique experience. Not many people get that opportunity. I remember how that felt getting back on land after a few days on a ship. Your legs do have to adjust.

  2. what a busy holiday. sounds like you're going to need a few days to rest up. I would. I'd be craving a few days of solitude right about now.

  3. Expensive internet! But it's also an adjustment to leave a ship where staff is there ready to do your bidding!

  4. Squeezing internet fees from cruise passengers seems so cheap and nasty - especially when one considers the cost of a cruise ticket.

    On behalf of The Laughing Horse Awards Committee, I am instructed to congratulate you on your blogtastic success. Visit "Yorkshire Pudding" to find out more.

  5. Eating does seem to be the number one activity of family get-togethers, doesn't it?!

    Congratulations on your Laughing Horse Award, by the way. Well deserved!

    I just learned how to text on my flip phone without a plan and it's 60 cents per text, so I have some inkling of how you cringed with your 75 cents a minute internet ...!

  6. You've had a great trip. You've visited relative and seen lots of interesting. stuff. Now you've won Blogger of the year. Congratulations!

  7. That wall of trees in your first photo is both amazing and beautiful. Happy New Year to you and Dave.

  8. Yorkshire Pudding has more sense than I credited him would also be my first choice for such a prestigious award.....................Anne

  9. Any road called the Sunshine Skyway must be good to go either under or over! Happy New Year to you and Dave! x

  10. I wish you and Dave a wonderful year!

  11. The view across the bay looks idyllic. Many congratulations on being Blogger of the Year :)

  12. What an amazing bridge!
    Congratulations on your blogging award...
    Best wishes for the New Year.

