Thursday, December 15, 2016

Holiday Dinner

Workplace holiday dinner last night. Most godawful location ever -- the back alcove of a neighborhood pub, a space designed to accommodate about half the number of people who attended. I was squeezed into a tiny space between the table and the wall -- I felt like I couldn't inhale for two hours! As soon as the desserts were cleared, Dave and I were out of there. I can't wait to hear what my coworkers have to say this morning.

I honestly forgot all about the party until a coworker asked me yesterday afternoon, "Are you coming tonight?" I'd made reservations but that was weeks ago. I stammered, "Tonight? Oh, is that tonight?!" She looked at me like I had two heads. It's a good thing my calendar is so flexible.

Even though Dave and I were the ones who drank wine and ate processed turkey roll and brick-heavy Christmas pudding last night, Olga was the one who woke twice in the small hours of the morning, poking us urgently with her nose to let her outside. I'm not sure what that was about. At first I thought she just heard foxes, but I suspect she wasn't feeling well. Lots of people at work are also sick, with colds or worse. I'm wary of coming down with something on the eve of this trip to Florida and the cruise. It would be a drag to have a cold on the high seas!

(Photo: A doorway in Notting Hill, on Saturday night.)


  1. You should wear a mask at work. The breath of one's co-workers can be highly infectious...and occasionally smelly too.

  2. Sounds dreadful...probiotics help with indigestion as well as building immunity...

  3. Well. That evening sounded dreadful.

  4. I love your description of the holiday dinner. We are having ours today at lunch time so I'm hoping it goes much better than yours did.
    Boost your zinc and Vitamin C intake. That's what I do before taking a big trip.

  5. Being semi-retired I no longer have to put up with excruciating Christmas meals with colleagues I wouldn't choose as friends in a million years!

  6. I've never had to endure one of those being self employed as I have been, am.

  7. That's an artistic light fixture above that doorway. I enjoy imagining what lies behind interesting doors.

  8. oh do take care! At BOOTS I bought a nasal spray "DUAL defence" and it keeps colds and flu at bay, it is excellent, use on your flight to be sure! I bought a thing for OLGA for Christmas but will not send it until all the kerfluffle is over.

  9. Oh there's a little stress here. Before the Christmas holiday is a stressful time. Kids are on the ceiling. Christmas parties? It sounds like yours was a disaster. All the best for the cruise.

  10. Company holiday parties of my memory were always the worst, with everyone (me included) getting drunk!

  11. Oh, the things we put up with when we are still working...


  12. Either someone forgot to add up all the potential attendees or they figured on a certain number of no-shows when they shouldn't have ... there's only one answer - take over the planning job next year!
