Saturday, December 3, 2016

More Dog Care Drama

I took this photo on my Wimbledon walk a couple of weeks ago. These plastic rings were clipped to a big metal gate behind some shops -- they're clothing size tags, normally attached to coat hangers. I like how someone turned them into a little art project!

So I don't remember how much I've updated you on the Olga dog-sitting saga. We need to have a dog-sitter for Olga while we go to the states for Christmas. We asked a friend of a work colleague, and she initially said yes, and then she said no, and then she said yes again. Well, early this week, she said no again. (And as I wrote earlier, our back-up dog-boarder has died.) So I've been scrambling to find another sitter.

We've talked to someone else, also recommended by a work colleague, and she came to the house on Thursday and met Olga. That seemed to go well -- though Olga huddled by my leg, certain that something was up. Today the new sitter is going to take Olga for a walk and keep her overnight to see how it goes with her dogs and her 5-year-old kid. I'm sure Olga will be fine, given her history with dogs and children, but of course I'm also a little nervous about her being in a new place with new people.

I'm also bummed that I won't get to walk her on the Heath today, because I was looking forward to that. Maybe she'll be back for a walk tomorrow. I'm not sure yet.

Today is my last French class of the term! Woo hoo! Despite my recent promise to rededicate myself to learning the language, I'm on the fence about signing up for the spring term. Maybe I know enough French? I find that I do less photography and have much less time for myself when I'm in class half the day every Saturday. So I don't know. Something to think about.


  1. Our Winnie goes to a friend..she can't wait, they will spoil her rotton

  2. I love the little art project you spotted on that fence. The idea could easily be lifted, enhanced and placed in an art gallery. Very clever.

    Good luck with the Olga test project. The Silverdale Kennels at Feltham charge £20 a day for a standard dog + VAT. Is Olga a standard dog?

  3. I hope it works out...Hard to find reliable pet sitters. I've also lost mine, too.

  4. The worst thing about having animals- having to find someone to take care of them when we go off.

  5. I hope the dog sitter works out. It's a worry. Now you're close to France and go there so the french language would benefit you. That comes from a Canadian where we have two official languages and I know very little french.

  6. Your dilemma with the dog sitter is exactly why I don't have a dog any longer. I'm such a dog lover that I worried constantly about leaving them with anyone. I think when I had my two dogs they only people I trusted to watch them were my parents who are both gone now. So now I get my dog "fix" by pet-sitting for other people from time to time. It's not quite the same but, it does save me from that horrible worrying.

  7. My dad's second wife's oldest son is having quadruple bypass surgery today. I asked his sister who was taking care of his critters. She said that she and her sister had done it the last two days and several of his nice neighbors have offered to help. She said that they were wrangling turkeys, chickens, geese, guineas, dogs and cats, and a very cute little goat. I'm kind of glad I just have Mike (& I usually take him with me when I travel). I hope Olga loved her new sitter!

  8. I dislike "cat drama" so much that we never go anywhere! Of course, we're not really much for travelling anyway, so it's not as bad as it sounds :) I do hope your prospective sitter works out. It's no fun going away if you are worried

    About the French - maybe ask yourself what your future self (in, say, five years' time) would have wanted you to do. It might give you a different perspective.

  9. I have been wanting to connect you with one of my oldest college friends who recently moved with her family from Paris to London. She is originally from Fayetteville, NC, and I just know ya'll would enjoy one another. Let me put my thinking cap on --

    And good luck with Olga's new sitter!

  10. Having dogs (or cats) is worse than having children when you need to leave them behind. At least children know you're coming back even if they don't like the idea.
