Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Spotlight

This photo may seem a bit perplexing, because there's really no subject beyond that patch of light on the ground outside our back door. That's part of what spills over the fence and across our lawn from our neighbor's house, where Mrs. Kravitz has installed a fancy new security spotlight. Which is ON ALL THE TIME.

I'm not sure why she feels she needs a security spotlight. But it does match the coiled razor wire atop her garden gate. (I'm not kidding!)

She has a thing about foxes. She's afraid they're going to walk into her house -- which wouldn't be an unreasonable fear if she habitually left her back door standing ajar. I can't imagine that's the case. I bet her house is hermetically sealed. But anyway, maybe she's trying to keep away Mr. or Ms. Fox with all that extra light.

Or, more likely, she's trying to keep away two-legged intruders. I have never seen or heard tell of one in our neighborhood, but this being the city, I'm sure they're out there.

In any case, I miss the blackness that used to exist at night outside our back door, but I'm not fighting this battle. I'm trying to think of it as moody garden lighting. You know how some people buy accent lighting to show off all their shadowy plants? Well, that's ours.


  1. Be glad that mood lighting doesn't come into your bedroom at night, and that poor lady isn't building an underground bunker in her back garden.

  2. And it's FREE!! Except for whatever mental anguish still seeps into your lives :)

    e's comment made me smile. And then I realized, yes, things could be that much worse. (Which doesn't negate any of the irritation you are currently feeling, however)

  3. When it is dark at night, I like to appreciate the darkness and the skies above our garden. I hate that vulgar, careless bright light that bursts out from security lighting.

  4. oh i can understand your pain as i am also fan of darkness and silence of the night that brings countless stars shining like diamonds in the sky and specially while laying on our beds in front yard bearing the gentle breeze and staring the glittering sky fills my soul with peaceful joy and gratitude.
    i hope she realizes that her light is disturbing the neighbors and removes it

  5. I'd say "bless her heart" but honestly- I hate security lights. Can you find a little article on light pollution and slip it under her door? The poor woman must lead a very anxious life.

  6. Your neighbor's name is right out of central casting: Do you recall the perpetually nosy neighbor on that old sit-com, "Bewitched"? Gladys Kravitz!

  7. E: The underground bunker is next!

    Jenny-O: That's true! We spare no expense here at Shadows & Light to provide suitable lighting effects.

    YP: Me too. I love a dark sky, and they're getting rarer and rarer.

    Baili: That would be nice, but given her previous activities, I doubt it.

    Ms Moon: I know! She must be terrified!

    Marty: That's not her real name. That's just what I call her here in blogland, specifically because of "Bewitched"!

  8. Oh my, that is a bit disturbing. And, when I read the sentence about razor wire I did think you were kidding. Yikes, that is taking the security issue to an extreme. I have a friend who is similar when it comes to security. She really does think someone is always lurking around the corner to break in.

  9. Hmm... Well, so long as it doesn't hit your bedroom window, then it's merely eccentric.

    I think that's the rule, isn't it?

    The foxes will have their revenge.

  10. one of the reasons we left the city but there are too many out here that think they need security lights that are on ALL THE TIME. why can't they put motion detectors on them? still, it is much darker here than in the city and the nearest offenders are far enough away that their light doesn't come into our yard, just affects the ability to see the night sky.

  11. Mrs Kravitz would be at home in Cape Town. But at least there they often paint the razor wire to match the colour of the wall!

    As for the security light, it would be far worse if it was one of those triggered by a motion sensor and would be flashing on and off all night.

  12. Out in our farmyard, above the door of the Quonset, is a yardlight that comes on automatically when it gets dark. The thing shines directly into our living room window and because of it I can't stand inside that window and look out to see the stars and the northern lights. I have to actually go outside, boo hoo! On the up-side, when we get up to get a drink of water or go to the can in the middle of the night, we never stub our toes or walk into doors because the house is lit up already. There are even shadows on the living room wall because the light shines right through the trees. It's kinda nice actually. -Kate

  13. I have a security light that only goes on when it detect movement nearby. You can set it so that it turns on when there's motion in a certain area. Yes , there's no sense fighting some people.

  14. I had a neighbor across the street who only comes to his house for a couple of days once or twice a year. One time he left two lights on outside his garage and they were shining directly into my wife's bedroom. With his permission secured long distance I went over and unscrewed both bulbs. Don't think I'd try that with Mrs. Kravitz though. She may be armed.

  15. You would have to pay a fortune for that kind of mood lighting.

  16. I'm lucky that I live in a tiny village with no street lighting. Sometimes we have incomers who ask the local council to install it. They don't last very long. We like our village dark (very dark) Tonight we have the climax of a meteorite shower, and I'm hoping it stays clear enough to see them. In the last village I lived in, my neighbour had the same interests as me, and when the meteor showers were due we would set up sun loungers in our gardens, wrap up in duvets, lie back, and enjoy the free show (refreshed every so often with coffee generously laced with brandy). I hope the skies are clear tonight and I can get my telescope out. Unfortunately my husband has no interest in anything astronomical at all. I doubt if I could persuade him to get out of his bed to see the end of the world. He'd say he would watch it back later on iPlayer.
