Saturday, January 21, 2017


Well, I lied. I did watch. I couldn't really avoid it, because we set up the big TV in the library and streamed CNN from mid-afternoon on. So I watched the processions and hand-shaking, and Hillary looking great in her white coat and Melania looking amazing in her blue one, and the wonderful Obamas who I miss already.

And, of course, I watched the man of the hour, and his empty, windy speech full of non-specific language about how he's going to Make America Great Again. He's going to stop drug abuse and radical Islamic terrorism! Well, why didn't we think of that?!

Good grief.

And is it my imagination, or did only about 12 people attend the inaugural parade? The entire event was very low-energy, as Dave kept saying. Phalanxes of police were lined up with their backs to empty bleachers and sidewalks, doing crowd-control for crowds that weren't there. Even during Trump's speech, the attendees' responses seemed muted at best.

I did like what Trump had to say about infrastructure. If I had to pick one positive aspect of his message, that would be it. America does need to invest in infrastructure, and doing so will create jobs and boost the economy. But of course, that investment requires money, and where he's going to get that money worries me. My guess is he'll get it by essentially doing away with the Department of Education and defunding the arts.

Needless to say, I'm still planning to attend today's march.

(Photo: Scaffolding on a building under renovation on our street, photographed at night.)


  1. When Trump repeated "America First", I think he and his speech writer, Steve Bannon, had imagined that the crowd would take up the chant. But they didn't. It was all like a flop show at the theatre. Unfortunately, this show will run for four years unless Trump has a heart attack, a bullet or an impeachment. All very possible.

  2. I did not watch. I did not see. I am keeping hope and love and faith close to my chest and I cannot let them slip for a moment.

  3. I had no you point out, merely wind...

  4. Couldn't watch either. Or think about it. I do confess to reading about it a bit.
    If only it were sound and fury, signifying nothing. I worry about dark events unfolding without resistance.

  5. He's going to end poverty and gang violence too! No one has ever tried that before. You are so right, his speech was full of empty promises. I didn't watch it, I watched the PBS World News later that day. They summed the whole thing up nicely. Even the Republican leaning commentators were struggling to find something good to say about the speech.

  6. There was record-setting lack of turnout for Trump's inauguration. So yes, you were correct that hardly anyone showed up. I take a small, mean pleasure in that fact.

  7. I didn't watch. and stayed off FB for the most part. Obama was all about infrastructure except that the republicans kept voting down infrastructure bills. I doubt anything will get done there just because of Trump. I read something today, a recount of a conversation with an ex republican legislator who basically said that the republicans think he is a joke and they'll string him along as long as they get what they want from him and then they'll impeach him and hand it all over to Pence, whom they love.

  8. And what Ellen said is just what I think may happen ... and Pence won't be good, either. At least with Trump what you see is what you get; Pence and others are good at saying one thing and doing another. They have a facade of normalcy that is misleading.

    March on, Steve :)

  9. You are going to have to watch this guy every step of the way. My son-in-law teaches in Chicago and they are a bare bones system. Their year is less than 180 days!

  10. That tie speaks volumes!
