Saturday, January 14, 2017

iPhone Photo Parade

Another series of random pictures from my iPhone, collected over the past few weeks. First, I noticed this flashy car parked near our house. It's a McLaren, whatever that is. Orange is apparently one of the brand's trademark colors. I haven't seen it since, so maybe it was just visiting.

Down the street, in front of the bathtub house, this hound sits curled on top of the garden wall. I've walked past him a million times and only just noticed that his eyes don't match.

I liked the way the streetlights reflect off this rippled fence, in waves. It's interesting how changing the conventional flat plane of a fence can have such a cool effect.

Saw this cat prowling around on my way to work one morning. Isn't that a beautiful coat? I don't think I've ever seen a cat with such nice fur. It didn't seem too happy with me, though.

My boss made these for me for my birthday. Aren't they cool? She thought they'd be a good style for me because I could continue to take pictures with my fingertips exposed! I do like them, though I've found that getting into my pockets with them on can be a challenge.

Finally, obviously this is not my photo, but a huge wall-sized advertisement in the tube. I just really like this picture. I love the graceful posture of the skater -- those relaxed hands! -- and the crystal-clear action and the warm summery sunlight. I'm probably not in the market for wireless headphones, though.


  1. I like the cuffs! And in my opinion these iPhone pictures are really good, particularly when you just want to make a snapshot.

  2. Beautiful photos! That She looks like a species of wildcat, doesn't she? Or he?
    What a thoughtful present. And hand made. Really nice.
    Honestly, the iPhone camera is amazing in my opinion.

  3. Carrying a good camera, iphone, definitely keeps your eyes open to stuff around you.

  4. I really like the picture of the rippled fence. That's the sort of thing I remember about a place many years later. I'll say to someone, "That was the place with the rippled fence," and no one will know what I'm talking about.

  5. I wonder if some wealthy writer/director was visiting one of your famous neighbors in that fancy car! I've actually seen a few photographers wearing fingerless gloves. I often wondered if they worked.

  6. That cat looks terribly offended! But her coat is beautiful.

    I've been thinking of getting fingerless gloves for winter photo-taking, but it's my fingertips that get the coldest. Have you seen the ones that also have an attached cover for your fingers that can be slipped over or slipped off your fingers? Those are what I'm going to go for, I think. It was nice of your boss to make those for you.

  7. i love the spontaneity and quirkiness of your iPhone pix. An intriguing extension of your portfolio!

  8. I also have some fingerless gloves. I find them really useful when out walking, taking photos in wintry weather.

  9. Cat looks like a Bengal, which is not an inexpensive breed.

    Love that fence photograph - well done shot, and how creative of the fence builders.

  10. WOW that CAR!! Looks like an art object and I guess it is! The fence, the cat so wonderful and I do love the cement pooch with wonky eyes! I was thinking to get a zoom extension for my phone camera, do you have one? Curious about them , the ads look amazing! Nice gift from your boss! I have several fingerless gloves things, the best are made of cashmere baby yarn so they are lighter but warmer.

  11. I'm with Rafe's Hotel - I think that cat is a Bengal too.

    And the eyes on the stone dog - weird...


  12. The Maclaren is the sort of car you normally only see on The Grand Tour (formerly Top Gear).
