Monday, January 16, 2017

Rainy Indoor Day

We literally spent the entire day inside yesterday. It rained and rained, and even Olga couldn't be coaxed to go out -- not more than necessary, anyway. It was mostly fine, gloomy rain, which is England's winter specialty.

I cleaned the house in the morning, and Dave and I got both web cameras working properly. So today I'll be able to check on Olga from work, hopefully. We'll see how that goes! Last night, Skyping with Dave's parents, we showed them a live camera image on my phone of us Skyping with them, including their faces on my computer screen. It was like a digital ouroboros -- them looking at us looking at them looking at us. Or something like that.

I read in the afternoon and typed up old journals. Speaking of reading, have you seen the cover of this week's New Yorker? It brought tears to my eyes. To think that in terms of leadership American society has descended from the dignity of Martin Luther King to the vanity and vulgarity of Donald Trump -- well, it's tragic. I don't understand how we lost our way so thoroughly.

I can barely bring myself to read any news about Trump's upcoming administration. I read no more than is necessary. I think I'll boycott television and take a long walk on the day of his inauguration.

Finally, last night we watched the old early '80s "Twilight Zone" movie, which I hadn't seen in a long time. I believe it's the first movie in which I was conscious of John Lithgow as an actor. He definitely steals the show as a terrified airplane passenger. Always a fun one!

(Photo: Graffiti near a footbridge in West Hampstead.)


  1. You have introduced me to a new word - no not "sidewalk" but "ouroboros". I had to look it up. Previously I thought that The Ouroboros were a Mexican wedding band.

    You didn't even take Olga for a walk yesterday? Poor old girl.

  2. I just read an article in the New Yorker about Trump and John Lewis. Very good; and of course heartbreaking that this man is soon to be the leader of this country. And I most certainly will not watch any of the ceremony on Friday; I will do something good in the community instead.

  3. Can't even bear to think about the inauguration. Can't bear it.
    I wish I was in Mexico.

  4. One HUGE annoyance at being here in Florida for three months is that my New Yorker hasn't been forwarded here. Maybe it's just as well. . .
    I'm so embarrassed -and frightened - for America right now. I really believe we're standing on the doorstep of some bad, bad future events.

  5. I'm not going to watch. just the thought of him taking office make me want to throw up. 4 more days of relative peace before it all goes boom.

  6. We had rain and grey skies the entire weekend here in the desert southwest. So, I did pretty much the same thing yesterday. I did roast a chicken last night and made my traditional stuffing. I didn't get to make it over the holidays so I made it just for me last night.
    I've cut back on my "news" intake too. I can only take so much.

  7. Was that the yeti type creature damaging the wing?
    If so i loved and was terriefied by that image

  8. I didn't know the word ouroboro either - always glad to learn a new word!

  9. Love finding new words...I won't be watching either...

  10. I'm still in a bit of a daze every time I turn on the TV and see Trump standing with all of the flags behind him. It seems like a bad plot for a comic book - you know, the Kingpin becomes mayor or something.

    I've tried to limit my exposure until he actually gets sworn in.

  11. I think it's a good thing for Olga to stay inside (most of the time) when it's cold and rainy outside.

    Trump. President Trump. Blechhhhhh!

  12. Yup. I envy you being in England and far, far away from our dystopian nightmare. As for Twilight Zone, there's a great meme of Drumpf sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office with Rod Serling in front. Hilarious if it weren't so spooky. And John Lithgow is such a remarkable actor. I've been watching him play Churchill in the BBC series "The Crown," and his transformation is just incredible.

  13. Re the 'graffiti' I bet Banksy didn't try to take credit for that one.
    As for that other person (He who's name should not be spoken) well I gathered my coven around me (unfortunately there are only two of us, but both powerful wiccans) and we have mightily cursed the inauguration, with no harm coming to innocent people.
