Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wonder Woman Stands Guard

I saw these kids on their way to a birthday party (or some kind of party) when I was walking Olga a couple of weeks ago. The boy's Spider Man suit cracked me up. I wish I'd been closer to get a better shot, but c'est la vie.

Yesterday morning was devoted to decorating the library for Valentine's Day. Now it's decked out in hearts and all our "Blind Date with a Book" volumes are wrapped and ready. The kids will come in later this week to select their choices. My boss, coworkers and I plan to choose one too, so I'll be reading something entirely random in a week or so. Meanwhile I'm about to start "When Breath Becomes Air," a doctor's memoir of his fight against a cancer that ultimately kills him. I hear it's terrific, although not exactly uplifting.

When I checked the Olga Cam in the morning, this is the view that greeted me -- Olga peeking out from behind Dave's "Wonder Woman" mug. It's good to know Wonder Woman's super powers are guarding our household, but I wish she'd make Dave well. His fever continued yesterday afternoon and he's staying home from work again today.

Yesterday he texted me a blurry iPhone photo of our goldfinch feeder, which had two goldfinches on it! This is the first evidence I've seen that they know it exists. That feeder has been hanging out there, apparently lifeless, since I bought it last September. I wish I'd been home to see them, armed with my camera and zoom lens, but I'm sure they'll come around again, now that they know where to find food.


  1. I'm glad Dave has Olga for company...I'm still coughing and this has been since January 19. I hope Dave has something not quite so long lasting. Nice to know your feeder is appreciated.

  2. Once I put a feeder in our garden containing nigella seeds. A few days later two goldfinches arrived and fed themselves happily. I thought great, goldfinches! But oddly they never came back.

  3. the blind date with a book sounds like a great idea. Maybe I'll suggest it to our library here.

  4. Olga looks like she's having a good "think" about something.

  5. poor Dave, wishing him a speedy recovery.

  6. Oh, the Superheroes in our lives!
    I think Olga is worried about Dave being home. She knows it's not normal.
    Watch out with the bird thing- you know it's a sign of "maturity" when you start becoming fascinated with the birds at the feeder. I mean, just look at me.

  7. I hope Dave feels better soon. And I hope he's just well enough to enjoy being home at least.

    Love that Wonder Woman portrait of Olga!

    And I am right now also reading When Breath Becomes Air. He's a beautiful writer.

  8. Your Valentine's project sounds like a hit for reading. I hope Dave recovers quickly.

  9. I'd drink yarrow and mint tea for a few days, if it was me. I think it makes a difference, seems to give my immune system a boost, and even if it didn't it would be comforting and delicious. -Kate

  10. When Breath Becomes Air is on my list, too. Olga is well-behaved at home, isn't she? I would expect a cat to sleep a lot, but apparently some dogs do, as well! Tell Dave not to go back to work too quickly - it's too wearing and he needs rest!

  11. When Breath Becomes Air is very sad, but it's more uplifting than you might think. Beautiful book.
