Friday, March 17, 2017

A Sculpture, and My Beating Heart

Another shot of daffodil season -- this time in St. John's Wood, near the school where I work -- and a very mysterious sculpture. I can't find out anything online about this piece of art, located in the Boundary Road estate. It seems to be called "Ideas," by Leo somebody, if I'm reading the words around its base correctly. I'll try to take a closer look today.*

Our yellow daffodils are actually looking a bit tired, and our white ones are about to come out. They're always a couple weeks behind.

Have I mentioned that Dave and I are off to Luxembourg this weekend? There's an honor band concert there on Saturday night, so we're going to fly out early tomorrow, check out the (very small) country and go to the concert. Then we'll be back here on Sunday. Miss Olga will be cared for by one of Dave's coworkers, who's going to house-sit.

Yesterday evening we fulfilled a bit of medical bureaucracy, registering with a new doctor in our neighborhood. You may remember we've been going to our old doctor in Notting Hill every time we've gotten sick. Well, that situation became untenable, and there's an NHS clinic right around the corner in West Hampstead, so we switched. I gathered all the required paperwork and numbers and picture ID, and we both walked over there after work. We had to do a little health assessment that included getting our blood pressure taken -- mine was 99 over 77, with a pulse of 60 beats per minute. Dave's was 109 over 76, pulse 95 bpm. Why does my heart beat only 2/3 as much as Dave's? Am I dead?

* I went back on my lunch break. It seems to say "'Ideas' : Leon U : 1970."


  1. Your blogging buddy John can explain that. Why did you not ask the new GP? That sculpture looks a little the worse for wear but the daffodils are nice. You'll enjoy Luxembourg...

  2. Oh, we didn't see the GP! You need an appointment for that!

  3. Are you sure the top sculpture isn't "Base of Old Telegraph Pole" by British Telecom? Have fun in Luxembourg...if that is possible.

  4. When I went to Europe as a seventeen-year old, we flew into Luxembourg and I loved it! I thought it was so charming and beautiful! Have fun!

  5. I love Luxembourg city, there is this impressive great deep gorge right in the center and the remains of a medieval fortress and what are these tunnels called, cassematten or something. It's a bit like Brussels without the crowds.
    Go for food in the old quarter, plenty of bistros etc. I remember a place called Basta Cosi with great selections, they did a scrambled egg dish with local cheese, quite good. And of course, they do have excellent wine.
    Enjoy. And take pictures please.

  6. It,s always a big deal for kids to make the honor band. Then the directors have to find trips and concerts.

  7. I think the fitter you are, the slower your heartbeat. That's what I've read anyway, and I've found that when I am walking regularly my resting heart rate is lower than when I've been sitting around for weeks. You certainly don't SEEM to be dead :)

  8. I presume you are very fit with a blood pressure and pulse like that! Normal pulse is sound 70
    Blood pressure norm is 110-120 over 80

    Yours is fine

  9. Have a great time in Luxembourg and take lots of pictures. I think since you are a walker, your heart rate would be lower because of the exercise you get. It has something to do with exercise and fitness.

  10. I was going to say that you walk a LOT more than Dave does (as far as I can tell). Good for you! Have fun - can't wait to hear about your trip.

  11. the sculpture looks like a Daliesque person running. perhaps after that idea. no daffodils here. they have all come up but not a single bloom.
