Monday, March 20, 2017

Home Again

Back in London now, where Olga is no worse for wear and all is as it was. We flew back yesterday morning, after sleeping in a bit and having breakfast at our hotel. By coincidence, we were on the same flight with all the students from our school, so it was a bit like being official chaperones, even though we weren't! We did get a free ride from Heathrow back to central London on the school bus, so that was a plus.

As I said yesterday, Dave will be going back to Luxembourg and Belgium in a few days with all his high school students -- rather than just the handpicked few on this trip -- for another series of concerts. I'll be staying home, though, just me and the dog...

...and the @$%*# squirrels, which dug up two of our newly planted plants while we were gone! (I know it was squirrels, rather than foxes, because of the size of the holes and the nature of the destruction.)


(Photo: A shop window in Luxembourg.)


  1. I have heard of red squirrels, grey squirrels, ground squirrels... but never @$%*# squirrels. Must be a very rare breed - probably with protected status.

  2. Glad you had a good trip, sounds like the wildlife in your part of the world thinks you've great taste in plants!

  3. Man Against Nature In Urban London!
    So crazy.

  4. people here have been complaining about the squirrels digging stuff up as well. they haven't dug anything up in my garden but I do keep seeing holes where they were digging around in some of the pots. I have managed to flummox them on my totem bird feeder though.

  5. Sometimes trips are very stressful. You certainly have some nasty destructive pests.

  6. It really is amazing the amount of wild life you have foraging in your urban yard. Even when I had that huge back yard, I didn't see that much activity. Just birds, lizards and an occasional neighborhood cat.

  7. Foxes and squirrels are innocent. It's that strange neighbour of yours'!

  8. Squirrels don't mean to be bad, it's just that they have needs!

    I laughed at YP's comment :)

  9. I love that shop window -- and I'm glad you're home safely!
