Thursday, March 30, 2017


Do you know the song "Vera," from the Pink Floyd album "The Wall"?

Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn
Remember how she said that
We would meet again
Some sunny day...

I think I first learned of Vera Lynn through that song, when I was a teenager. We didn't hear a whole lot about her in the states by the time I was growing up in the '70s. But here in England she's still quite famous as the World War II-era singer of "The White Cliffs of Dover" and "We'll Meet Again."

Dave and I were watching TV the other day when Vera's 100th birthday was mentioned. Yes, to my shock, Vera Lynn is STILL ALIVE! And something of a national treasure. We didn't watch her birthday tribute, but we did see a short synopsis of the show on "Gogglebox." Who knew?

What we have been watching is the mini-series about the O.J. Simpson murder trial, "An American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson." It's a really good show that skillfully depicts the way O.J.'s lawyers managed to get him off. We just finished it last night on Netflix and it was riveting.

Otherwise, not much is going on around here. We've heard nothing more about the washing machine, or about our lease renewal, which the management company contacted us about last week. We told them yes, we want to renew, but knowing the snail's pace at which our landlord moves it'll be months before it comes together. (The lease isn't up until July anyway.)

(Photo: Reflections in a West Hampstead pub window, early Sunday morning.)


  1. Nice to see I got to comment this morning before"e". Is that short for "ecstasy"? When my mother's coffin went into the void behind velvet curtains, the song that was playing was "The White Cliffs of Dover" by Vera Lynn. Mum was in the Women's Royal Air Force in WWII so the song had special resonance.

  2. Ecstasy? Oh, often, but since this blog is family rated, I'll spare the details...I am also familiar with Vera Lynn having heard the White Cliffs of Dover on several occasions and seeing a clip of her on television while I was briefly in England long ago. I'm glad to hear she's reached one hundred. Best of luck getting the washing machine fixed or replaced.

  3. Can I just say that that photo is mesmerizing?

  4. well, I know the album but the song doesn't come to mind. I'm sure I would recognize it if I heard it.

  5. A national treasure as you say. Didn't I read that they were to project a film of her on the White Cliffs of Dover?

  6. I think we are all guilty of ignoring each other's heroes at times.

  7. Now I've got to go do some research. I want to know about Vera Lynn. Love that photo!

  8. I had never heard of Vera Lynn but, she sounds like an interesting woman. I'll have to research her story. I saw that OJ show on the Netflix menu but sort of dismissed it. Maybe I should take another look. I love the reflection photo.

  9. Every Remembrance Day we have a lot of WWII music here on the radio and TV, and my parents grew up with it, too, so I am quite familiar with her music. I'm surprised to hear she is still living - amazing. On a side note, we have three Veras in our family!

  10. That is an intriguing photograph. I keep seeing new things in it.

    And I watched the OJ series when it was on TV and I too thought it was well done. Great acting. For me the weak link was Cuba Gooding as OJ, but everyone else was stellar. Lots of Emmys were won.

  11. I have said for decades that I want a recording of Vera Lynn singing "We'll Meet Again" at my funeral, if I have one. Stunned to learn she's still alive.

  12. You may love this podcast, it is very compelling! I DO remember Very Lynn from my parents but man, sure did not think she was still alive!

  13. Vera Lynn still alive!! What a surprise. Happy Birthday Vera.

