Saturday, April 1, 2017

Back and Forth

We got a new washing machine, as I suspected we would. The appliance company called Thursday and arranged delivery for late yesterday morning, and I worked it out with my boss to have my lunch hour at home -- which meant going back and forth from work twice in one day. But hey -- I guess I can't complain. At least now we can wash our clothes!

Partly for that reason, yesterday was crazy. I also had to go to work early, because the library closed early for a faculty/staff event -- which of course I had to attend. So the workday wound up being long...

...AND I've been feeling like I'm getting a cold. The back of my throat is sore, and I was incredibly tired both yesterday afternoon and last night. Dave and I were watching TV yesterday evening, and I felt like some ghostly spirit was pulling blankets up to my chin and singing lullabies in my ear, after secretly slipping me a sedative. I could barely keep my eyes open.

To top it all off, this morning the dog's stomach is singing a growling, gurgling chorus the likes of which I'm not sure I've ever heard. The minute we got up, she ran out the door to eat grass in the garden. So I'm not sure what's gotten into her, but it's not agreeing with her and apparently it's in a hurry to get out.

Dave and I watched "Passengers" on Thursday night, the sci-fi flick with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. We liked it -- great effects -- but a ridiculous ending. Space roosters!

(Photo: A shop window in Shepherd's Bush, last weekend.)


  1. Sorry to hear you are starting to feel unwell. A bracing morning swim in The Thames should sort out the problem.

  2. I hope you can get some rest today and Sunday and feel better. Not a good time to have doggie tummy issues.

  3. Not a good combination, feeling poorly yourself and also having to schlep a dog with an iffy constitution outside. Get some zinc - for you, not Olga. It really does help to stave off a cold.

  4. I liked Passengers but it did seem kind of silly that they could plant a tree on the steel decking of the ship. and how come they didn't have any kids?

  5. We call what Olga had the gulps. Our best thinking it that it's caused by something like acid reflux in people, and / or gas that builds up in the stomach. We give Gas-X and that always helps the problems.

    As for Passengers, it was good, but I agree, I little out there to think people without any training on a ship could do what they did. Like Ellen, we wondered why they didn't have kids, who would have been alive and able to live on the new colony?? Maybe they ran out of budget ...

  6. At least your landlord is more timely with appliances than leases!
    Rest. You must have caught what I had...
    I swear sometimes I think it's possible although of course it's not.

  7. Great that you got a new washing machine, not so good that a cold might be headed your way. I have "Passengers" on my list of movies to watch but last night I watched "Miss Sloane". Wow, that was a great movie with a very timely subject, lobbying for a gun control bill.

  8. I hope that if you have the ick, it is short-lived!! And the same for Olga. At least you have a washing machine -- the bright spot among the black clouds :) Take care.

  9. Hard to know who to feel sorrier for, you or Olga!

  10. Well, one good thing is a new washer. Everything else might be crap but a new washer! Hey that's great.

  11. I keep thinking I'm getting a cold, but then I don't get sick. So maybe allergies? Whatever - I hope that you're not really getting a cold (or allergies for that matter). Can you tell it's past my bedtime? Ha!

  12. I hope you have a chance to rest and recover today. I like Passengers too.
