Monday, April 17, 2017


I mentioned the in yesterday's post that the bluebells are out on Hampstead Heath. Here's what they look like -- a blue carpet beneath the new, fresh green trees. We have bluebells in our garden, too, but for some reason ours don't seem quite as far along.

Bluebells come in a variety of colors, including white and pink, but most of them are purple. Here's a clump growing out in the middle of a field.

Olga loves them too!

I walked her on the Heath yesterday for about three hours, and then we came home and watched "The Towering Inferno." Dave spent the day planting in the garden. We have one more day of break -- today, a holiday known in the UK as "Easter Monday" -- and then we're back to work!


  1. To see a clearing in a wood that's carpeted with bluebells is a wondrous sight indeed and a very English phenomenon. It is a shame that we have seen an invasion of Spanish bluebells but there are still many ancient places where you can see English bluebells in all their subtle beauty.

    Hello "e"...what kept you so long today?

  2. Oh, what beautiful flowers! To answer your question, Jacob is holding his own and with continued luck, will not have to go into the vet this week. He's more regular with the aid of medication, still eating with the aid of medication and happy to hang out in my lap or near me. I am on hyper alert for changes all the time and having to supply medication on a schedule, and he wakes me up a lot, so sleep is not deep or long lasting and sometimes, with other things in life, I run out of steam. Additionally, everyone and their brother uses the servers at all hours, so my internet has been intermittent. I tried to post a couple of times and simply could not. Meow and happy day to you and Dave and greetings to Yorkshire Pudding!

  3. What a color! Almost unbelievable and yet...there it is. Each tiny flower holding it definitively.

  4. so pretty and so many different flowers called bluebells. that's what I did the past three days, worked in the gardens.

  5. Those bluebells make a wonderful photo with that sort of purplish hue against the green. Beautiful!.
    To answer your question, that particular house was actually in a developed area that consists of houses on very large lots. There are desert areas that are part of reserves and building is restricted in those areas. Most of north Scottsdale is owned by developers but, there are patches of public desert lands here and there.

  6. We I'm going to take a photo when Our bluebells bloom. You'll get an idea of the stage of spring we have. Things start to develop quickly with the long days.

  7. Oh, the Heath. Beautiful in both autumn and spring, death and rebirth. Lovely photos.

    Have a great week. :-)

  8. Olga looks like a model! :)

    Those bluebells are beautiful. I love deep blue wherever it is found.

  9. We always go and see the bluebells at Bidnant Gardens on the Prof's birthday on the 3rd of may!

  10. That picture of Olga luxuriating is just . . . stupendous!
