Thursday, May 4, 2017

Fig Update, and a Death Threat

The sky is gray this morning and it's kind of chilly, but we did get some rain last night and I'm glad for that. Believe it or not, even here in England things get a bit dry from time to time.

We're getting a new crop of flowers in the garden as May unspools itself -- the pink persicaria, the orange geums. There's still no sign of life from the rescued fig tree (below), but I'm not convinced it's dead. The wood seems to be green -- there are just no leaves.

See what I mean? Dave is itching to throw it out but I've appealed its death sentence and won a stay of execution, at least for the time being. (That stuff coming up around the base of the trunk isn't fig -- it's just weeds.)

We seem to be days away from seeing our first blooming roses of the year. There are some big buds on the bushes, a few showing some color, but none open yet. I will report back!

And here, just for fun, is my tape dispenser at work. Surprisingly, no one in administration has asked me to reconsider that threat.

(Top photo: A housefront near King's Cross, last Saturday.)


  1. Is that the only dispenser of its kind available to you? I would think some of the kids might try to hide it just to goad you...the ones I taught certainly would have!

  2. How come there are books in the Melon Library and not rows of melons?

  3. I'm surprised that kids these days know what a tape dispenser is. Don't they have virtual sellotape?

  4. I don't think that teee is dead either.

  5. Thinks have a habit of disappearing from schools. In my school it was extension cords. We seemed to have to buy them on a regular basis.

  6. I may have to borrow that tape dispenser death threat for my waste basket at work. I really don't understand what is so hard about putting it back where it belongs after emptying it. Our cleaning people seem to have a very real short term memory problem. I love that house front. Makes me wish I was walking the streets of London again.

  7. figs are very hardy. it's almost impossible to kill them. scrape the truck with your fingernail. if it shows green, it's still alive. but just from the picture it looks like it is still alive.

  8. That fig looks pretty alive to me. But I'm probably not the best one to make that judgement.

    I lol'd at the death threat :)

  9. Actually now I'm thinking I should use the death threat on my stuff at home!

  10. I used to put my name on my pen at work - but that was more because *I* would leave it random places rather than that someone else would take it. Ha!

  11. I am sure the fig will revive. I have a fuchsia that has been through a lot-moving in frost, being dug up by builders and left for dead, to be replanted by me a few days later, and it still lives on. I completely sympathise with the threat on your tape dispenser. I now own all things necessary for school life myself, and keep them hidden or at home until I need them-long armed stapler, staple gun, laminator, even a small paper trimmer-all these things are fair game for the sneak thieves or the borrowers who don't return, not to mention the careless users who break your stuff. Schools are terrible places for that!

  12. You're such a hard-ass, except when it comes to fig trees I guess! :)
