Saturday, May 6, 2017

Lime Lamborghini Redux

I'd like to write a meaty, newsy post this morning, but I can't bring myself to write about (or even think about) politics or the state of our western democracies. So here are some iPhone photos from the past week or two.

First, the Lime Lamborghini was back yesterday morning as I walked to work, and attracting attention from passers-by.

Down the street, the front garden of one of our neighbors is flourishing. They always have a great-looking garden. See those big white peonies? Dave planted a couple of peonies too, last weekend, so maybe we'll have our own soon.

The caretakers of the sports fields near the cemetery have stripped away all the grass. First they sprayed it with something that turned it entirely yellow and now it's all been plowed under. I suppose they're re-sodding? (That's a cricket ball lying in the trench in the foreground.)

Olga and I found interesting shadows on our walk yesterday morning.

We also found a cat! Cats are a reliable presence in this little housing estate, and they always give Olga a charge. (And she does the same for them.) Right after I took this picture it jumped into the walled garden right behind it and then over that wooden fence, none the worse for wear.

Olga and I found this chalk drawing of "Daddy" on the way to Hampstead Heath last weekend. I think he looks suspiciously like me, but I can guarantee you I have not fathered any children.


  1. The curve of the shoulders and the narrowness of the chest suggests that it really is you Steve. Perhaps the chalk drawing is by one of the art students at The American School and they simply forgot to write the word "Cool" after "Daddy".

  2. Haha! I wonder if those are power-wings coming out of Daddy's shoulders.
    That garden is exactly what I wish I had! So beautiful.
    Olga. Now, honey, simmer down.

  3. fun collection of pictures and I know what you mean about the state of this nation. appalling.

  4. LOL the drawing of "Daddy" does look like you. And how beautiful that garden is, with it's bench situated just so.

  5. That photo of Olga and the cat is priceless! I love it. I think I say lots of guys playing in that field when I was there. And "Daddy" does look a bit like you. Maybe they've seen you pass by and decided to adopt you.
    I understand completely about the politics thing. It is so frustrating.

  6. Excellent pictures today, thank you!

  7. Ooh, I want that garden! Of course, I could HAVE that garden if I would work at it...

    At first I thought that said Dandy, so I thought it really could be you :)

  8. That is such a brilliant photo of Olga and the cat! :-) Thanks.

    Have a great weekend.

  9. You find all the cool stuff in your neighborhood ...even a cool chalk drawing of yourself.

  10. What a great bunch of pictures - love the shadow and, of course, Olga and the cat.

    I've been seeing a lot of clothing in that shade of green this spring. Maybe it's a "thing" :)

  11. To blazes with the world situation - I'll sit on the seat in that garden and admire the surrounds. Laughed at the photo of the cat with the arched back and the footpath rendition of 'you' shows you blue in the face (due to the world situation?) and wearing a lovely shade of lipstick.

