Monday, July 31, 2017

Drawing In

I was walking Olga on Saturday morning when I crossed paths with an older gent, out with his two overfed black labs. We made small talk and he commented that the days are "drawing in," the sun setting earlier each evening as we edge toward fall. And it's true -- last night it got dark shortly after 9 p.m., an hour earlier than a month ago.

I think that's such a wonderful, cozy term -- "drawing in." That's exactly what autumn feels like.

Having said that, it's still pretty darn summery. I took Olga to the Heath yesterday and, as you can see, the wildflowers are still in the meadows. There are lots of interesting bugs still out and about, too.

This is a new butterfly for me -- a small copper.

And this is an extra-large hoverfly. I believe it's a Volucella zonaria, which is the UK's largest. Definitely bigger than the ones I routinely see in our garden!

Anyway, Olga and I had a good long walk, involving playing in mud puddles and eating grass and chasing the Kong. (Olga did some of those things, too.)

Speaking of the Kong, quite a while ago -- as you may remember, because I'm sure I wrote about it, but I can't find the post now -- one of her Kong toys was stolen from our back garden. We left it out in the grass overnight and in the morning it was gone. Very peculiar! Well a couple of nights ago, the same thing happened again. I could kick myself, because I saw it lying out there before we went to bed, back by the never-used barbecue grill, and I considered bringing it in, but I took the lazy route. We think another animal takes it. Possibly a fox? It no doubt smells like Olga and they may be attracted to it.

It may sound minor but each one of those stupid toys costs £18, so I'll go to great lengths not to lose one.

We had some crazy, schizophrenic weather yesterday. It would be sunny one moment and drizzly the next. The sky would cloud over incredibly fast. I hung some clean towels out in bright sunshine, and had to run and retrieve them not half an hour later. British weather keeps me on my toes!


  1. Perhaps you should tape notices on surrounding lampposts "KONG TOY LOST! REWARD FOR RETURN! Phone Steve or Dave on LONDON 751" A photo of the lost Kong Toy should appear in the middle of the notice... Just like one of those "MISSING CAT" posters.

  2. Not "LOST," but "STOLEN"! Much more dramatic and attention-grabbing. :)

  3. Poor Olga, getting her toys stolen! Buy three and keep two in reserve...Great photos. It has been raining here all night...

  4. Well, you know what they say about Florida weather- if you don't like it, wait half an hour and it's bound to change. This is generally true.
    "Drawing in." Wow. Love that. I think there may be a hymn which uses those words in that context.

  5. "drawing in" good one. I may be deluded but it always seems that summer will never end. I think I get the same feeling with winter only with more pain.

  6. I love this peaceful, meandering post. I do remember your lost Kong post and am sorry it happened again, but I'm going to imagine a fox dragging it off to his den of kits.

  7. you should sacrifice another kong and aim you yard camera at it and see who the thief is. Minnie would rather chew on me than her toys.

  8. I love the nature photos today. That one of the hoverfly really great. I can't even picture a fox with a Kong in it's mouth. In fact, I wouldn't think it's mouth would be big enough to grasp it.

  9. i love the smell of cloth dried in the sun. another perk of having a back garden, even if the weather is unpredictable.

  10. Love the idea of "drawing in"... it really conveys the change in light. I've been noticing that here too. Getting dark by 9:00 these days. About that Kong, I wouldn't be surprised if it is a fox who is really appreciate of your thoughtful gifts! Beautiful photos.

  11. I love that meadow - and the hoverfly - what a round "belly!"

    Drawing in reminds me of this hymn: Now the day is over, night is drawing nigh, shadows of the evening steal across the sky. Here's a nice version:

  12. I have never seen such a large hover fly. What do y'all fee them that we don't? Everything is bigger in Texas. :D

  13. That first photo is pure lassie come home

  14. "Anyway, Olga and I had a good long walk, involving playing in mud puddles and eating grass and chasing the Kong. (Olga did some of those things, too.)" ... LOL!!!

    Our weather was unseasonably cool last week, too. This week we're back to hot. It continually amazes me that our and your changes in weather seem to follow each other very closely. We don't live next door!

  15. I think my weather related comment should have been on yesterday's post. Man, I'm tired tonight and it's showing :)
