Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Fourth of July

Well, here it is, the Fourth of July. We have no special plans. There are a few other American families living on our street, so maybe someone will set off some fireworks -- but probably not. In all likelihood, our holiday will pass quietly!

I'll be spending the day packing, or at least part of the day, as I take off tomorrow for Florida. I'm also going to try to get my stitches removed from last week's skin surgery. I made an appointment with my doctor's office this afternoon. It's about 36 hours early -- they recommended the stitches stay in for a week -- but I think I can get away with having them out now. I'm not planning on doing anything rough or strenuous anytime soon, and I really don't want to have to deal with it in Florida.

My swelling has diminished, thank goodness. My face is pretty much back to normal. And yesterday was my first day without any pain relievers! Woo hoo!

(Photo: A discarded McDonald's bag and cup in Cricklewood, a few weeks ago.)


  1. I am pleased to learn that the head swelling has gone down and wish you well at the doctors. I hope there has been enough healing time. By the way, I forgive your American forebears for claiming independence back in 1776. If they had known that Trump was coming they'd have probably preferred to stick with the motherland.

  2. Hope all goes well at the doctors. Glad to hear the swelling is down and the pain receding. Safe travels tomorrow.

  3. Sounds like your wound is healing nicely.
    That photo is, sadly, extremely spot-on about how things are right now.
    Safe travels and I am hoping, somehow, to see you.

  4. I'm sure there's a lot of symbolism in your photo.

  5. with the state of things here there is no celebrating this year.

  6. After having the stitches removed they could put on some tiny butterfly bandages just for good measure.
    Have a good flight and enjoy seeing your family.

  7. That photo is perfect for today! Good luck with the stitches!
    YP's comment made me laugh out loud.

  8. I'm glad that you're recovering and wish you safe travels. As for the fourth -- well -- it's not celebratory this year.

  9. Spending the forth in my studio, curtains drawn, music loud. Please drown out the american.
    Wishing you a good trip, hassle free!

  10. Have a safe and fun time on your trip!
