Saturday, July 1, 2017


I'm not exactly surprised that I have swelling after facial surgery. But somehow I didn't think I'd have this much. I took the baseball bandage off my forehead yesterday morning, and underneath, a whole new baseball was forming! Or maybe a small pillow. Anyway, my forehead is now very swollen.

I'm hoping it goes down by the time I fly to Florida on Wednesday. Otherwise I may scare my nieces!

The doctors told me to take paracetamol for pain, but as I've read on the Internet, apparently it doesn't do much for swelling. For that I'd need aspirin or ibuprofen, and they have other drawbacks. It's weird that it didn't happen right after the surgery -- it took about 24 hours, and then all hell broke loose. Last night I was reduced to watching "Mad Men" with a makeshift ice pack on my forehead.

As Dave pointed out, even minor swelling on the forehead -- an area where there's not much cushion and just a thin layer of tissue between bone and the world at large -- is going to look very obvious. If I'd had the surgery on a softer part of my body I wonder if I'd notice it as much.

Anyway, I spent most of yesterday on the couch again. Cleaned the house in the morning, did some more paperwork for our immigration application.

Remember how we were having a heat wave about a week ago? Well, our temperatures have since plunged down to the 50s (F)! A few days ago Dave and I were downright cold and I was walking around in a sweatshirt. Now we've moderated a bit -- today we're supposed to have a high of 73ºF. I may take Olga for a walk, depending on how I feel and how big my forehead is.

(Photo: Cricklewood, last weekend.)


  1. I'm sorry that you have so much swelling, and I have to say that Dave is right. When Sophie falls and gets a bump on her forehead, it always looks horrific! If you can get your hands on some CBD, it's a potent anti-inflammatory!

  2. Oh come on Steve! We need to see pictures of the new Elephant Man!

    (In reality, I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything is okay for the Florida trip and hoping you haven't somehow acquired an infection.)

  3. I might consider reporting your swelling to the docs and get some advice if it doesn't go down before you leave...I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend and your trip to Jax.

  4. Not a fun time for you, Steve. How unfair that you not only have the discomfort of the surgery, but also a goose egg to go with it. I'm voting on a trip to the doc, too.

  5. ibuprofen is my go-to. I'm still surprised you got so many stitches. it must have been a huge incision or else teeny tiny stitches.

  6. Hope that forehead swelling goes down. I like the above advice about calling the doc if it doesn't. Your weather sounds very much like ours, except when your temps are in the 70s that's 10 degrees warmer than it is here. Enjoy the sun and take care there.

  7. Yep. Keep icing and if it doesn't get better, call the doctor. Lord. I'm so sorry.

  8. I hadn't thought about swelling on your forehead but, I bet Dave's right about the skin being thinner there. Since they have to get tissue all the way around the spot, I can see why it would swell so much in that location. Hopefully, it will start easing tonight or tomorrow.

  9. That's a bummer when there is major swelling after those procedures. I hope you recover quickly.

  10. Pretty sure the baseball will disappear and then you will have a fabulous scar, to which you may attach all sorts of imaginative stories! Might be good to have it looked at again before Wednesday just for good measure. Good luck on your trip!

  11. I'm really sorry to read abotu your swelling. I hope it goes down.

    Wow! You just took me down memory lane with that photo. I haven't been to Cricklewood for more than ten years. Possibly twelve. We used to have a friend who lived there. I cannot even remember much of the area even though I worked in West Hampstead for five and a half years and I recently cycled through the area. I was so familiar with that area: Kilburn, Kentish Twon, Cricklewood. A lot of history there, too.

    Wish you a safe journey.

  12. I guess RICE doesn't exactly apply for forehead swelling. Hope it's much decreased before you have to travel!

  13. I'm late checking in - hope your swelling has receded a bit by now, or at least is not getting worse. It's always a worry when something goes off the rails just before a big trip.

    Our heat wave broke, too. My toes are numb. I refuse to put socks on!

  14. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. It must feel very stressful with travel looming. Ice and call the doctor. I hope by now the swelling is going down.
