Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hyper-Hydrangea, and Others

A little plant update for you. Above is one of our hydrangeas, blooming away. It wouldn't be all that remarkable except it's the same plant as in the second photo of this post. As you can see, it miraculously recovered after being unearthed by ravenous foxes!

And this is verbena, which we didn't (officially) have in our garden this year. We used to have a couple of verbena plants and they bloomed last summer, but this year they didn't come up at all. And then this one appeared all on its own, between the patio stones outside the back door, of all places. It must have seeded itself. Seems like a few others may be growing there too. We're stepping around them, carefully!

Meanwhile the offspring of my ancient houseplants are doing well, too. Above is the purple heart...

...which is so happy, it's blooming.

And here's the bird's-foot cactus, doing quite well on the windowsill!

Yesterday was uneventful. I vacuumed, I mowed the lawn, I read a lot. That's pretty much it. Dave and I are wrestling with questions about how long we want to remain in this flat. But that's another subject for another day...


  1. It's interesting that when you show us your plants, you never show us your marijuana bushes.

  2. Bird's foot cactus, I have had one ,taken from a clipping, for forty years and never have known what it was! A friend brought it back from south America.

    I think I understand about staying in the flat though it is the most beautiful area. Might be nice to own your own. Farther out I would guess because of $$$. You are such good tenants I doubt the landlord will let you go...

  3. Oh, how tenacious life can be!!!
    And beautiful, at the same time.
    We merely need to notice.

  4. beautiful hydrangea. I've never had much luck with those. I do have the purple heart though growing around the tallow tree and I have one of those bird's foot cactus too. and verbena. why would you want to leave that flat with that wonderful garden you and Dave have put so much work into.

  5. Lots of beautiful blooming plants for you to enjoy! I do love hydrangeas and that's one plant that doesn't do well in my part of the world. I remember when I took that little side trip to Wales, I actually saw some wild ones growing which really impressed me.

  6. Wow - that's quite a resurrection for the hydrangea! You really are the plant whisperer. I was thinking the same thing about why you'd want to leave that garden & then I realized that you & Dave can be garden flippers! Stay long enough to create a beautiful space & then move on to create another one :)

  7. Birds foot cactus? Never heard of it, but I like it. It's almost zen-like in its spareness. Probably would be a great gift for my son the minimalist.

  8. Really love seeing your garden flowers. And that cactus is so interesting. Amazing what grows with attention, care, and love.

  9. Your plants all look so happy. I like to think I could grow things to look like that if I had no cats to chew upon them, but really it wouldn't make a bit of difference. Some people have it, and some don't. You and Dave have it.

  10. After putting in and caring for such a beautiful garden space, why leave it for another flat? Is there something else compelling you to think of moving? I would miss this garden...I sort of live vicariously since I cannot have a garden here...

  11. That hydrangea is quite the survivor. Oh no. Another move. Was it something Mrs Kravitz said?

