Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Mystery Egg

Here's another shot of the poppies I found growing in a field down in Bromley on Sunday. A last gasp of summer!

After yesterday's post about the new pound coins, some of you asked for a picture of the new design. Wouldn't you know I don't have a single pound here at home to photograph? I was too efficient in spending them, apparently. Here's a picture and some more detailed information on the Royal Mint web site.

Oh, and I completely agree with those of you who suggested doing away with pennies. Pennies are the most useless coins ever, both in the states and in the UK. Here, to make matters worse, we have both pennies and two-pence coins! I'd get rid of both of them. We should just round everything to the nearest five cents (or pence).

I am having such a quiet week at work I barely know what to do with myself. I spent more time weeding shelves yesterday, and I'm finding a fair number of books of questionable value. A 2000 book on the controversy surrounding physician-assisted suicide, for example, that has never been checked out. Not only is it apparently not useful to our students, it's 17 years old -- and surely out of date by now. I think any student doing a project on that subject would research it primarily on the web, where the information is more current.

Yesterday I found a hard-boiled egg sitting on the couch in the silent area. Very peculiar -- considering we don't allow food in the library. I'm sure some kid brought it from the cafeteria and it seemed cold and fairly fresh, so I put it in the office fridge to bring home to Olga. But then I forgot it, so she'll have to wait until tonight for her treat!

Oh, and I finally made reservations for our trip to Cambridge over Thanksgiving. We found a hotel with some character just a bit out of town, so Olga has grassy areas for running and playing. It's good to have a plan!


  1. You and your librarian colleagues have been neglectful - allowing weeds to grow on your shelves. If you had dealt with the weeds earlier you would not, I suggest, be spending this week weeding the shelves. It's your own fault!

  2. I'm finding that there's never a quiet day for me at the school where I work. I'm in the main office, at the desk that everyone comes to first thing. As the receptionist, I'm the first point of contact. By the end of the day I'm exhausted from dealing with people all day long and just want to sit in a quiet room by myself and not speak to anyone! I wish I could go help in our library, that sounds heavenly.

  3. The Hotel Felix looks comfortable AND luxe. What a wonderful time you guys are going to have!

  4. they do like the bird's eye view there at Hotel Felix but it is a very cool looking place. someone's manse they could no longer afford to keep up.

  5. Yes, we got rid of the penny. We,re also talking about getting rid of the nickel and then the quarter would have to be dropped too. No paper dollar bills or two dollar. Ills here.

  6. wow, that hotel looks amazing. it makes me want to visit cambridge!

  7. I'm old enough to remember the half penny, and prices in grocery stores that were priced 40 1/2P, and old people who thought using the word "pee" for pence was disgusting. I got quite a kick out of that.

    Oh good, Olga gets to go on Thanksgiving holiday too! It wouldn't be a happy holiday without her.

  8. and I meant to add that they aged the queen on the new coin.

  9. I am surprised about physician assisted suicide there. Makes me wonder how often people use that, and how it is managed. California has just enacted it recently, and I've been reading about the Oregon laws as well. Lovely photo of those poppies, and the hotel looks like a grand place for a little vacation.

  10. I like the look of the new coin! And, I love the look of that hotel you chose. I've never been to Cambridge so I'll be looking forward to your photos.

  11. Oh my, what a swanky place! I'm glad Olga is going with you.

  12. I would definitely be having afternoon tea in the Orangery at the Hotel Felix, I would like to sample Little Elvis - and mostly everything else on the menu as well.

