Saturday, November 18, 2017

Autumnal iPhone Photos

Here's another collection of random pictures from my phone. I confess that I'm using the phone camera more and more -- many of the pictures in my recent blog posts have been from the phone. It's just so much easier to carry than the big camera.

Someone lined up some horse chestnuts (or "conkers," as the British call them) atop this tombstone in the cemetery. They always look so shiny and clean, like jewels lying among the leaf litter on the forest floor.

I found this scrap of gift wrap lying on the sidewalk on my way to work. Yes, those are penises. As Dave said, "At least it's multicultural!"

Tube Ad of the Week! "Dave" is, improbably, the name of a TV Channel in Britain.

We have a bust of Andrew Mellon, our library's benefactor, in an alcove at work. Someone put this stocking cap on his head, and we've left it there. He probably gets cold just sitting in the corner looking dignified, poor guy.

The fig tree has gone entirely yellow for autumn. Soon the leaves will fall and I'll tuck it into the shed for a few months of hibernation.

Speaking of autumn leaves, I'm always amazed at how big the leaves of the London plane trees get. (I've blogged a similar shot before, I admit it.)

Some colorful spilled oil on the roadway, coordinating with a passerby's umbrella.

Finally, Olga and I found this huge headboard while walking the other day. Someone just left it (precariously) standing upright on the sidewalk. When I walked by yesterday, it had been moved and was leaning against a nearby fence. It looks like really nice wood. I hope someone claims it! (We do not need a headboard.)


  1. It is surprising that previously you never mentioned that Dave is a TV channel. It can't be easy being married to a TV channel but there must be certain advantages. Are you also a TV channel? I suspect Steve is a channel that specialises in salvage, flytipping and bringing dead plants back to life.

  2. I love that huge autumn leaf! And the street photo is wonderful.

    It's a pity that a nice piece of wood like that headboard is just out in the weather getting ruined. Even if it's not used on a bed, shouldn't some artistic type be able to do something with the wood? I hope someone claims it.

  3. The photo of the oil slick with the purple umbrella is wonderful. And I always enjoy seeing Olga. I want Andrew Mellon's hat.

  4. I think your iPhone pictures have a certain spontaneity about them which I really do like a lot. Sometimes the ability to take a very quick shot allows you to catch things you might miss with the camera. Plus- my untrained eye likes their quality just fine. I'm with Jennifer on wishing that nice headboard wasn't out in the street getting wet.
    Cartoony penises are just not that charming, are they? Well, in my opinion.

  5. Great pictures of your world! the gift wrap, lol. And that headboard is very nice wood. There is something about the picture of the street corner that makes me want to step into it and look around. It's such a London scene.

  6. Nice collection of photos. The penis wrapping paper reminded me of a story out of Whidbey Island, Washington from just the other day. Some navy pilots were having a bit of fun and made a penis in the sky:

  7. I'm laughing now. At first glance, I thought those were bones and that was a "doggie bag" from some restaurant.

  8. that big leaf by your foot looks like a sycamore leaf that also get huge. nice to see the fig tree growing so robustly. I think the last time you showed it you weren't sure if it was going to live or not.

  9. I thought the oil slick was matching your wrapping paper subjects. But enough about that.

    I particularly liked the first photo with the chestnuts. I love the look of them.

  10. My English wife quite often tells about playing with conkers when she was a kid.

  11. All of these pictures are great! I laughed at the gift wrap & the stocking cap, but my favorite picture was the oil slick. Nice!

  12. Love the Lateness Excuse Generator! I used to wonder what conkers were and then found out awhile back. They ARE nice and shiny, aren't they?
