Friday, December 29, 2017

In the Shadow of the Tower

I was down in the tourist thick of things yesterday morning, meeting Kevin and Brent after they toured the Tower of London. People were out in droves, given that we had a bright blue sky and lots of sun, even though the temperatures were freaking COLD. (Puddles on the street were iced over when I set out from home.)

Rather than go to the Tower myself -- I've already seen it --  I wandered around Shoreditch and Brick Lane and got lots and lots of photos of street art and street scenes. It was a very good photography morning. Then I met Kevin and Brent at Pret a Manger. I took the photo above while I was waiting for them -- it's a self portrait. Can you find me?

We walked over Tower Bridge, jostling the other tourists for prime photo locations. I had to take this virtually over the shoulder of a German couple who just would not move from the traffic island where they were taking selfies. Some kids rode by on bikes, one popping a well-timed theatrical wheelie.

Once on the South Bank, we walked along the river toward Borough Market, intending to eat lunch. We didn't get as far as the market, though, because again, it was freaking COLD. We ducked into a mediocre pub where we shared a table with a French family (I did not practice my French) and at least got warm again.

Then I had to take off for North London to meet Dave, so we could go to our friend Carolyn's house for dinner. She and her husband Mark live in Pinner, which is out in the 'burbs northwest of where we live. I met Dave at the Tube station there and we spent an enjoyable evening making chili and cornbread and envying their gigantic, marble-countered kitchen and modern bathrooms. Yes, we had apartment envy. But, of course, that's what you get when you move to the 'burbs -- more space and more modern accommodations.

Speaking of which, I did write a strongly-worded e-mail to our management company about our broken oven. But wouldn't you know, the maintenance manager is away from work until Jan. 3! So for now we're not baking or broiling anything chez nous.


  1. Wha pain about your oven! It looks like a beautiful day but the cold definitely needs to be dressed for, and extreme cold can get you right down to the bone. I'm glad you had a good time with Kevin and Brent. I also "get" the apartment envy...

  2. I could not find Waldo in the selfie picture but I think the young woman with the coffee beaker is about to yell something aggressive in Cockney rhyming slang - including "speedo" and "brick".

  3. I totally understand apartment envy. I feel it every time I see a big, beautifully fitted out kitchen. I love the photos but, am somewhat glad I wasn't out there in the cold taking them. I wouldn't have been able to move my fingers to press the shutter.

  4. I found you avec chapeau. What a nice walk atop Tower Bridge -- again, something I've never done but must now put on my To Do list. What a lovely day out in the city. I give you props because more and more, I just hate to leave the house, even though I hardly ever use the oven.

  5. Why not get a little toaster oven? They are pretty darn reliable these days and more versatile than they used to be.
    Ugh. Cold. I hate it.

  6. Well spotted Vivian! I never expected a chapeau.

  7. Looks like a beautiful blue-sky sunlit day for a walk. I couldn't find you in the photo, even with the hint. My eyes ain't what they used to be! Our amazingly brilliant President tweeted for global warming to come and warm things up. Makes me feel good to know he's got so much power in his tiny little hands.

  8. Nice tour of part of London. Ya have to be hardy to stay out all day and tour around.

  9. I am in complete sympathy with you on maintenance requests. But it will give you a chance to dine out at some of London's fine restaurants for a few days!

  10. I found you - you're a star! Ha! I am never very excited to be out & about in the cold, but the sun does lure one...

  11. easily found. don't care for cold weather myself so only going out when necessary.

  12. We lived on meals that could be made in an electric frying pan for over a month while our kitchen was being renovated back in the eighties. I agree with Ms. Moon, a toaster oven is very versatile, especially for just two people. Well, so is an electric frying pan, I guess :)
