Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Workplace Christmas Tree

On Monday I decorated the Christmas tree in the school library. (Am I supposed to call it a "winter tree"? A "holiday tree"? I'm not sure.)

It was delivered in the morning, sheathed in mesh with what appears to be a new tree stand. I cut away the mesh and dug the lights and ornaments out of our supply cabinet, and spent the afternoon putting it all together.

I have to say, though, this year's tree doesn't excite me much. It has no pizazz. Remember how last year we had flags, and a few years ago we had the dog-penis paper chain? This year we just have lights and baubles -- which is why I experimented with my camera to at least make the photo of the tree more interesting.

I think I may go down to the Lower School this morning and borrow some of their ornaments. They have much more interesting ones that a previous principal collected in her travels, and they have so many they don't even use them all.

Meanwhile, Dave and I have yet to go get our tree. I was thinking we'd do it sometime this week but we haven't been motivated yet. It sounds like we're going to have some friends over on Christmas day, though, so now we have to decorate!


  1. When you said - go over to the Lower School to "borrow" some decorations, I think you really should have said "purloin" or perhaps "steal". What a naughty librarian you are!

  2. I hung my grapevine wreath on the front porch. I may be done with decorating.

  3. Isn't the tree actually a hold over from the Celts? The German Celtic branch, that is, the one that kept the worship of trees alive long after the British Celts had all been covered to Christianity. Anyway, it's pagan.

    When I was a kid some families in the neighborhood tried to call it a Hannukah bush, but no one was fooled. Christmas blows the doors off of Hannukah and there is just no way to compete.

  4. I don't decorate for anything. and I don't do christmas trees for several reasons the first being I'm not a christian believer. second I think it's wrong to cut down a sentient being just to decorate for a few weeks and then toss in the trash and now they are all groomed to be perfect conical shapes which just screams fake to me. third, don't care for fake, as in plastic, trees. which is all very bizarre because as a child I LOVED to go help pick out the tree and decorate it and I would sneak into the living room in the night after everyone was asleep and turn on the lights just to sit in there by myself.

  5. I like your camera's light show! Growing up Jewish, we never had a Christmas tree, but we also never celebrated Hannukah. So, this season just passes me by without any real sense of holiday. I do like celebrating solstice and the beginning tilt of our earth back toward the sun.

  6. I like your artistic tree photo. I have a big collection of Christmas ornaments and now that I've downsized my living accommodations I don't use them all. In fact, I may not put the tree up this year at all. If I new of a safe way to send them, I'd donate them to your school. I'm sure they would end up a pile of crushed glass if I tried to package them up and ship them.

  7. Schools putting up Christmas trees is important for all the little beaners. I go back and forth with Christmas and holiday season.

  8. Love the lights in your photo...Du you do anything for Hanukkah or Kwanzaa?
