Monday, January 15, 2018

Cooped-Up Dog

Olga and I took a couple of long walks yesterday. She was brimming with energy after being cooped up inside all day Saturday -- in fact she was a little annoying, staring at us imploringly -- so it was good to get her outside where she could blow off steam.

In the morning she took me up into Cricklewood again -- this is her new thing, for some reason. I think there's often a lot of edible trash lying around on busy Cricklewood Broadway, like discarded french fries and chicken bones and that kind of thing. Even though I do my best to prevent her from eating it, her foraging skills have told her that's the place to walk. That's my theory, anyway. And she did manage a few french fries on the sly.

We came back and rested a bit, and then in the afternoon went on our usual West Heath walk. On the far side of Hampstead Heath Extension, Olga posed for some quick photos in the tidy neighborhood of Hampstead Garden Suburb, with the towering modern spire of St. Jude's Church in the background (top).

The snowdrops are back on the West Heath. It seems early; the ones in our garden haven't raised their snowy heads yet. I think I photograph this clump every year.


  1. Poor Olga! Cooped up like that! Remember - A Dog is For Life Not Just For Christmas!

    Amazing to see snowdrops already but in our garden I noticed that the heads of a clump of daffodils are already poking from the earth.

  2. And I am so excited because my trillium is coming up!
    Is it a sign of maturity that you recognize specific plants every year as they come up and bloom? Or just old age?

  3. pretty little flowers. nothing happening here, we're headed into three frigid days this week. OK, I'm done with winter.

  4. It does seem early for snowdrops. I thought they popped up at the beginning of February. That certainly is a very tidy looking street in your first photo!

  5. Dogs are much more manipulative than we think. At least you recognize Olga's motives.

  6. Oh those longing doggie looks, they are so hard to resist.

  7. That Olga certainly seems to be in charge!

  8. Oh, Olga was giving you the sad puppy eyes?? It is unbearable when they do that. And crikey, you're getting snowdrops already? Winter is over in the UK? We are just getting started here on Long Island, and it's going to be a long, long, dark, dreary, awful Winter. But if I could find a few stray French Fries on the sidewalk, I'm like Olga -- all I need is a little surprise snack and I'm happy for the rest of the day.

  9. What could be better than a post with Olga and snowdrops.

  10. A lot of us are ruled by our stomachs :)

    Glad Olga got her big walks in. I need an Olga to get me out and about!
