Thursday, January 18, 2018

More Wind and Another Orchid

We've had another wild and windy night, with the strange thumps and shudders of falling objects and architectural stresses sounding amid the gusts. I got up at 2:30 a.m. and moved the newly repotted plants from the top of the patio mantel just in case it came crashing down again -- but so far it hasn't. We've got to find a way to attach that thing to the fence, even if we just use an eye hook and some wire. I can't get up and wander around on the patio clutching my bathrobe every time we have a windy night.

Despite that, I had a fairly good night's sleep -- better than the previous two nights, when I slept very lightly due to nocturnal dental pain. I bummed some more Aleve from my boss yesterday and one of those got me through. Plus I think my antibiotics are working. Progress!

Even more exciting: We are reportedly due for the delivery of a new oven on Saturday morning. Woo hoo! I'm sure Dave will be ready to bake or roast something, though we've lately been going pretty much vegetarian because Dave has found that suits his digestive system better. (As a lapsed vegetarian myself, I'm always happy to eat veg.) We probably won't be putting any roast beast in the oven right away.

Another of our orchids has bloomed. We only have one plant (of 7) that has never produced flowers -- one that I rescued from the curb after someone threw it away. I think it was traumatized and just hasn't yet become strong enough. Hopefully it's only a matter of time. I'll be eager to see what color it is!

Finally, I have to say a quick RIP for Dolores O'Riordan, the lead singer for the Cranberries. I was a fan of the Cranberries in the '90s -- I had at at least four of their albums, and I still listen to them on my iTunes. Like almost everyone, I especially love their aching song "Linger." When it became popular I was in the midst of a lingering, painful romantic situation myself, and although the circumstances were different from those depicted in the song I always identified with the lyrics: "You know I'm such a fool for you have to let it linger?"

(Top photo: Fungus on Hampstead Heath.)


  1. The sight of you wandering around your garden in a dressing gown on a wild January night may inspire concerned neighbours like Mrs Kravitz to phone the mental health services. I really hope your new oven is delivered at the weekend, I really do but I won't be holding my breath.

  2. I'm just so glad that your tooth is better.
    And hey! Dave can roast some root vegetables!

  3. Orchids are fussy. You need a Phd in orchids to get them to bloom.

  4. Woke up to 32 degrees here in Venice this morning, but I don't miss being in our house (which is on the verge - I hope - of being sold) on a windy night waiting for one of our many trees to crash onto the roof.
    A windy night can be cozy for sleeping if you're not worried about things crashing down.

  5. I was a fan of the Cranberries too! It was a shock to hear that O'Riordan had passed away at such a young age. Another beautiful orchid. You do have a magical touch when it comes to plants. I'm glad to hear the tooth pain is starting to ease up.

  6. Ah, your orchids, Steve, they are soooooo beautiful. And the tooth pain is receding. And a new oven is on the horizon. Just off hand, I'd say this is a pretty good week for you. And you (and Dave) were due!

  7. After I re-potted our one and only orchid a couple of months ago, it completely stopped blooming and just seems on the verge of death. I don't know what I did, but it's miserable. I still take good care of it, but I think it's never going to bloom again. Your orchid is beautiful. Glad the tooth is responding to the antibiotics and hooray for the oven (when it really shows up!).

  8. I still like the Cranberries, even now, and was saddened to learn of O;Riordan's passing at 46...Hoping your tooth is on the mend for good and congrats on the new oven. You are a wonder with plants...

  9. The picture of the lichens is wonderful - interesting texture and a surprising lot of green.

    Glad your toothache is subsiding. I think I said this before, but there's nothing worse than toothache or headache. You just can't get away from the pain.

  10. I love that fungus picture - very groovy! And your orchid is lovely. Our bathtub full 'o plants is a hot mess - I'm going to have to soak the thing in bleach after they get to go back outside. But they seem to be thriving.

  11. Oops, fungus - not lichens! (Thanks, Bug!)
