Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Arctic Cacti

As you can see, the "beast from the east" is still with us, and apparently we got more snow overnight. When I went to bed there was only the mildest dusting, despite snowfall during the day -- as I expected, it didn't stick. But then we woke to this!

Definitely not what we're used to, and as I understand it, we'll be getting more. There's a weather system called Storm Emma -- for some reason The Guardian is obsessed with the fact that the Portuguese weather service named it -- due to arrive tomorrow and Friday, bringing "blizzards, gales and sleet."

I wonder if we'll get a snow day? We've never had one as long as Dave and I have worked here, but allegedly the school has called them in the past. I know the kids are clamoring for one.

In other news, while I was at my mom's in Florida I retrieved some of our family home movies to have them digitized. I also picked up two old cassette tapes, one of my brother talking about colors when he was baby, and one of me reading about cacti when I was 7 years old. These were recorded in 1973 or so, and I wasn't sure they'd even still work, much less be convertible to digital format.

But I gave them to the media guys at work, and they did their best -- et voila!

It's a bit garbled at the beginning. I'm talking about an illustration of a bunch of different cacti in my red New World encyclopedias, which my parents had just given me. I was entranced by that picture -- the whip-like ocotillo with the red flowers, the barrel cacti, the tall saguaro with the gray-and-pink gila monster lurking beneath. Things gradually become a bit more clear as the recording runs. My mom is there too. I don't expect you all to listen to it, really -- I'm putting it here on my blog mainly as a way to store and easily find it myself -- but feel free!


  1. Omg ! Londoners are so sift when it comes to snow!

  2. Wow, it looks like you might need a snow day. Cute reading, too. Your eye was good even then!

  3. Back then, I doubt that there were many seven year olds who who were entranced by cacti. By the way, why does Stephen shorten to Steve and not Steph?

  4. What a great reader you were at seven! And always looking for information. I love that!
    The snow is beautiful! I hope you get a snow day so that you can get out and enjoy it with Olga. I bet she'll love it!

  5. not too much. I think we got more way down here on the Texas Gulf Coastal Plains.

  6. That was fun to listen to. You were doing a great job of describing where I live. Cactus everywhere especially those pesky prickly pears.
    That's quite a build up of snow! I hope you weren't slip-sliding your way to work.

  7. What a grand thing to hear yourself read at such a young age. Technology is crazy wonderful sometimes. That is quite a bit of snow to wake to. Sure hope you get a snow day for that. The photographic opportunities will be snowy beautiful.

  8. I just read that it's warmer in the Arctic Circle than it is where you are. I believe a snow day is in order!

  9. Oh Steve, your little boy voice! Be still my heart! (I listened.)

    The snow on your street looks like a postcard.

  10. We had that same snow here this morning but now, a few hours later, it'sd mostly gone and water is running off the roof in a great stream. I listened to the recording too and was amused by you "getting" the word "Mediterranean" with only a wee bit of coaching by your mother. Sounded like your travel spirit was ignited early on.

  11. Ah, so sweet! You were clearly great friends with words even at that age. What a precious recording to have!

    I am picturing Olga in the snow and hope YOU may be taking pictures of the snow, with or without Olga!

  12. Snow is definitely not nice when you rarely get it.

  13. What a great thing to have that recording! Really sweet!

    I love your snow. February turned to spring in South Carolina and we've had 85 degree days. It's strange after the bitter record cold we had in January. Everything is blooming here already and I fear a late freeze that will kill everything off. Today is the first chilly day we've had in weeks, and it's raining. I actually lit the fireplace. It may be the last time this year, so I plan to enjoy it.
