Monday, February 26, 2018


While I was in Florida, Dave arranged a fantastic surprise for me -- he got our wonky kitchen and bathroom faucets replaced. Woo hoo! He hired a professional plumber, who gave us a beautiful shiny gooseneck in the kitchen and some small retro hot-and-cold taps in the bath. They look great, and they work like magic.

I'm so glad to have that sorted out. It allows us to move on to the next phase of our flat improvements -- the painting! We're scheduled to have painters here in just a few weeks, and believe me, this place needs it. I don't think it's been painted for at least a decade.

We're hoping that putting all this work into the flat ourselves will spur the landlord into action on the disgraceful carpeting in the front room. But we probably shouldn't hold our breath.

I stayed awake all day yesterday after landing at 8:30 a.m. London time. I did household tasks like bringing inside the dormant amaryllis, to wake them up for spring, vacuuming the house and washing some clothes. Then we went to dinner last night with our friends Chris and Linda, and despite my travel fatigue I held my own in a lively conversation ranging from guns to Brexit to Chris's latest medical issues (which have been dramatic, but he seems better now).

I got a good night's sleep last night, but I'm still a bit tired this morning. And I have to help give a staff training presentation at work today -- yeesh! Back to the grindstone.

(Photo: A dry cleaner in Maida Hill last night, near where we met Chris and Linda.)


  1. "Where do I pick up the dry cleaning?"
    "Right. Yeah. Where do I pick up the dry cleaning?"
    "Haha. Funny. Where in hell do I pick up the drying cleaning??!!"

    I hope today doesn't suck too bad.
    What a nice thing for Dave to do!

  2. it's nice to spiff things up. I think after we finally get the rest of the flood damaged rooms repaired I might remodel the big bathroom. it will be the only room I haven't re-done, at least painted, well except for the little bedroom which is Marc's office. if this is the last house I am going to live in, then I would really like to re-do that bathroom.

  3. i hope today goes quickly for you and you can go home and get to bed early!

  4. Back to the grindstone is always a big, big stress. However , it doesn't take long to get back to reality.

  5. What a nice surprise to come home to new faucets. Yay Dave!!! Hope Monday goes well for you back to the grindstone.

  6. What a nice surprise to come home to. I hope your day is going well!

  7. That Dave's a keeper. Better keep him.

  8. I was wondering what was happening with your faucets! How nice to come home to Dave's surprise! Have you picked out paint colours yet?

    Going back to work is worse than actually being at work, I find. Within a day or two the groove returns.

    Along with Olga pics, I hope :)

  9. What a lovely welcome back and two weeks before World Plumbing Day!

  10. Hi there Steve! Saw you comment on our Off the Grid blog. We are not at the cabin anymore but bought a house on the front range in Colorado, where we used to live before NJ. The cabin got to be too isolating for us. We will keep it for weekends and holidays for now but no longer full-time living. The blog got to be where everyone up there knew all our business and we were not comfortable with that since.

    By the way, have you and Steve watched "The Crown"? If not, you should. You stream things from Netflix, right? Such an excellent series (we are watching Season 2 now) and such a learning curve on how the British monarchy and government work. Not to mention getting into the mind of the Queen! Excellent acting and period costuming. So far up to 1958.
