Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Segways and Kress

Another beautiful day in paradise! After breakfast with my stepmother and nephew, I spent the late morning yesterday in downtown Tampa, where I met up with my friend Cherie for lunch. It's always great to visit the old hometown.

I spotted a Segway tour rolling past the old Tampa Bay Hotel (above). I didn't know people still rode those things! I thought that fad ended about the time George W. Bush fell off his.

Way back in 1985 or so, I used to work in this building. It was my first official newspaper job -- I was a part-time clerk in a tiny 3-reporter news bureau, located somewhere on the left-hand corner of that tower, facing the Hillsborough River. Sixth floor, maybe? I thought it was the height of glamor to be working in a downtown skyscraper -- even though it is, at best, a rather bland mid-rise building.

It looks like it's about to become student housing -- according to that banner on the right.

Anyway, it was fun to walk around and experiment photographically with the strong light and shadows and reflections.

This is a beautiful old Tampa edifice -- the colorfully-tiled Kress building. It's been vacant as long as I can remember. I don't know why the powers-that-be can't restore it and get some tenants in there.

After meeting up with Cherie I drove north through some of Tampa's older neighborhoods (above) before getting on the highway and driving four hours up to Jacksonville. I wound up taking a new route, partly by accident because I made a wrong turn. But hey -- that's how you discover new things, right?

I stopped for some photos of sights along the way -- like this colorful hardware shop in the tiny town of Bostwick. It's not often I get the opportunity to be in my own pictures!


  1. Judging from your shadow Steve, you are a very tall guy! Almost as tall as a green giraffe! So sorry you are missing the heatwave over here in England! And let's have another bunch of exclamation marks for good measure!!!!

  2. Really interesting brick house. Sounds like a nice trip so far.

  3. Tampa has some beautiful old architecture, doesn't it? I love the Spanish influence in so much of that area of Florida and in S. Florida, too, of course.
    Last time I was in Cozumel they were still doing Segway tours there, too. Why? Something the cruise people do, I guess.
    Love that last picture. Shadows and light, indeed!

  4. Segway tours are popular in New Orleans, too, mostly in the Marigny. I think it's tres ironic, and I'd like to try one out (the Segway, not the tour). First jobs: My first full-time job out of high school was working in the school supplies dept. of a 5 & Dime in a shopping center in the suburbs of Philadelphia, at the same store where my great-aunt had been working for 20 years. I would have thought that your job was, indeed, the height of glamor and sophistication.

  5. love the minarets on the hotel. and such a shame the Kress building isn't being used. at least they haven't torn it down.

  6. I had to Google that Tampa Bay Hotel just to see some more images of it. What a unique looking building. That Kress building deserves a good restoration, it's a beauty. They do Segway tours in Scottsdale all the time. I see them scooting around the Scottsdale Waterfront almost every time I'm there. Great set of photos!

  7. So nice to see those blue skies there, those cool buildings and your shadow. Sounds like a fine and fun journey.

  8. Must be nice to tour the old turf.

  9. Lots of variety there. It's nice to get into different territory to take pictures!

    I'd ride a Segway if I had the chance :)

  10. I love the brick house. It must feel great to be at home for a visit, and what a change from London Florida must be!! Enjoy your time and keep the photos coming!

  11. I love that last photo. You should use it as the author photo for your next photo book :)
