Friday, March 30, 2018


Well, as you can see, I slept late this morning. Spring Break officially begins today, and as I write, Dave, Olga and I are all still in bed at 7:30 a.m. In fact, the dog is snoring.

It feels so good to sleep in, even though my version of "sleeping in" is probably most people's version of a normal time to get up.

I got everything done yesterday that I needed to at work, so I left with a clean desk, which is a good feeling. The conference room books are all cataloged, the summer reading lists made, the fiction shelves weeded, the computer chargers returned and rolled neatly in their drawers. (Well, kind of neatly. Neatly enough.)

Olga and I found this car yesterday on our morning walk. I went back with my camera on my way to work to get some photos.

This is why I love living in cities -- I stumble across the creativity and wackiness of other people on a daily basis. Suburban life, while it carries its own attractions, just doesn't provide that kind of stimuli!


  1. I have a feeling that there will be plenty of drug bags in the boot (trunk) of that wacky vehicle.

  2. Looks like some parent gave their kids some paint and said, "Have fun, children!"

  3. true enough about living in cities. still, I'm glad to be out of Houston with it's murderous traffic and rude people always in a hurry.

  4. Love it! It shouts out my owner is unique with a sense of humor (and probably short on cash).

  5. Now you've never lived a rural life. there are all kinds of very different characters living in the country. Have a good break from school.

  6. Whenever I see something like this I can't help but wonder what on earth possess a person to do that to a car. But, I guess it's just like blue hair and tattoos. A personal statement.

  7. The owner must really hate, or love, that vehicle.

  8. Anything can be a canvas for an artist! And anyone who creates is an artist, I do believe.

    Have a good school break! Yep, 7:30 a.m. is a time I've not seen regularly in years :)

  9. I feel like I should get creative with Daisy. Don't you think she'd look great with one of those Life is Good daisies on her hood?

  10. VW actually factory-made a similar version of that generation Golf called the Harlequin. Google it!
