Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Look, and Look Out!

Today, just a few recent photos from my iPhone!

First, Olga pauses next to some graffiti in Billy Fury Way on Sunday morning. She's never very happy about pausing for a picture, but she tolerates me.

In case you doubted me about the rapidity of the snow melt, here's our back garden on Sunday morning, after I propped up the flattened daffodils. The tiny bit of snow in the flower bed in the foreground lasted only an hour or so beyond when I took the photo. Miraculously, it looks like all our plants survived, though I guess we won't know for sure until things start growing again.

This was a definite casualty of the storm -- a car parked not far from our flat, on the opposite side of the street from an intersection. Clearly someone slid right through the snowy intersection and crashed into it! I first noticed it Friday morning, I think. And it's still there, maybe waiting for a tow truck or insurance adjusters or something.

Yesterday I found this graffiti snake playfully painted onto some steps over the tube tracks. I wish I'd seen it when it was new!

And finally, one of my commenters mentioned not too long ago a book from 1927 called "Freddy Goes to Florida," about a group of American farm animals that travel south for the winter. Even with my personal roots in the Sunshine State, I'd never heard of it. Imagine my surprise when I found a copy in our library conference room! I'm definitely going to give it a read!


  1. Perhaps it is part of a series - "Dave Goes to Delaware", "Steve Goes to South Dakota" and "Trump Goes to Tristan da Cunha"

  2. I love the name 'Billy Fury Way' takes me back a bit. lol

  3. Mr. Pudding's comment makes me think: Is Delaware the most boring state in our union? I vote "Yes".

    What a nice situation you have, a garden in London, and a workplace that stocks great mid-century American illustration. You're a long, long way from Delaware.

  4. Wow, it's like you went from dead of winter to spring in just a couple of days. What a change. I bet Olga thinks that black thing you keep pointing at things is the human version of a kong!

  5. you are so lucky to have that garden. it looks like there used to be a big rectangular bed where the bird bath and the roses are. it really stands out in the picture.

  6. Goodness! I think I have a copy of that book in my very own library! I'll have to go check.

  7. Your plants will make a full recovery from the storm. Only the hardy plants start early.

  8. I love the scenes from your iPhone. It's like going for a walk with you and Olga! How cool that you found that book right there in your library. Looking forward to reading what you think of it.

  9. I had never heard of Billy Fury so I Googled him and learned he was from Liverpool and died at 42 of a heart attack. I then went to You Tube to hear a version of his "Wondrous Place". It's amazing what one can learn on the World Wide Web and I thank you for giving me the lead.

  10. Your back garden is a vision of spring! And the best part is Olga lurking in the background.
    Pity the poor soul who came out the next morning to find a crunched bumper.

  11. Like Red said, your plants will be okay. Here we plant daffodils and crocuses and irises because they are hardy plants that can stand a late spring snow, which we generally get at least one of :)

    Love the snake! Someone has a sense of humour.

  12. Looks like you guys will survive then. Not much snow left there.
    Here, I've shovelled more than a foot of it off my car in the last two days, and it's still snowing. After today's shovelling, I moved my car underneath the boughs of a large spruce tree in the yard, in hopes they'll keep some of the snow off. And at least it's not 30-below, so while streets and roads and highways are in rough shape and the plows are all going non-stop to clear them, the temperature is actually mild and lovely. A few more degrees up the thermometer and there will be meltage! -Kate
