Friday, March 2, 2018

The Melt

This was the patio yesterday morning. If some of those plants weren't dead before, I have a feeling they are now! But we'll leave them for a few weeks to see what happens.

The snow is already melting a bit, no doubt to the relief of the critters... this puffed-up little dunnock on our peanut feeder yesterday. I saw a few other stray birds, mostly tits, but no sign of any squirrels. They must be curled up in a nest somewhere.

Dave and I spent the day doing stuff around the house. I washed all the new t-shirts I brought back with me from Florida. I tried wearing them right out of the bag but I felt like there was some serious off-gassing going on -- I smelled like a chemical factory. I'm not thrilled with their quality, either -- they look almost as thin as the shirts I've been wearing for eight years, even though they're the same brand from the same store. I think the overall quality has diminished. Why did I bother to buy new ones?

We also watched movies -- "The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)," which I've had saved on my Netflix for months now (it was excellent), and "The Big Lebowski," which Dave said he'd never seen. Of course, he fell asleep about ten minutes into the movie, so I ended up watching it by myself (again) and he's still never seen it.

I took this photo last night from the back door. You can see what I was talking about yesterday -- all the ambient light being reflected from the snow and the cloudy sky. (The yellowish light in the foreground is coming from our living room windows.) There is no real darkness after a snowstorm!

Olga blends into the landscape, doesn't she? She walks around in the snow with no visible discomfort, but I don't think she's thrilled with the situation. She's ready for things to return to normal, and so am I. Today's temperatures are supposed to be right around freezing, but I hope they'll be warm enough for the melt to continue.


  1. Your garden is much bigger than I had previously imagined. By the way, I advise you to buy British T-shirts in future and not cheap American T-shirts.

  2. Where did you get your shirts?

  3. I am dying to see Olga on her Go-Pro camera running through the snow.

  4. I loved the Meyerowitz stories too! The sister was amazing. Yeah. I think I'd watch that again.
    I really can't believe your snow fall. Looks like I'm not the only one. The birds and Olga seem a bit stunned.
    New clothes. It just takes awhile to make them yours.

  5. It takes a while for dogs to get used to walking in snow . However, they love to get mouthfuls of snow.

  6. Welcome to my world! of snow.
    What's the temperature?

  7. That night shot is pretty amazing even though I do remember when I was growing up in Illinois how bright the lights on the snow would be. London got quite a lot of snow from this storm. I'm going to have search out the Meyerowitz Stories. I don't think I've heard of that one. I watched the Kenneth Branagh version of Murder on the Orient Express. It was well acted and the cinematography was interesting but, there were a few things I found rather implausible. Like the train being derailed by an avalanche but the train leans into the avalanche not a way from it. I kept trying to figure out how that could happen.

  8. I saw a headline that said it was colder in the UK than it was at the north pole, or something like that. Is it true? Fake news? I don't know, but your yard looks colder than the melting Arctic! Hope it warms up soon there. And... good luck finding quality new clothes anymore. It ain't the way it used to be.

  9. I imagine the plants will survive a few days of snow. I watched Hidden Figures last night which was really excellent.

  10. Dogs and cats alike always seem confused by the snow on the ground and in the air. Fun to watch them.

  11. That's a lot of snow! Olga's short haired self probably ISN'T thrilled with it. Mike follows a lot of Old English Sheepdogs on instagram & they LOVE the snow - so hilarious watching them romp around in it. I'm more in the Olga camp myself.

  12. My husband can't stay awake past the half-hour mark on any movie so we stopped watching them! I don't really miss them as I enjoy reading more anyway. But I feel your pain, or I used to.

    I thought Olga would be gamboling in the snow, but, no, she really doesn't look all that impressed, does she?

    I find new stuff smells strongly of dye (if coloured) or plastic (if there are decals). Either way, I wash every dang thing that comes in the house before it gets close to a body. Maybe your thinner shirts are made of stronger fibre and will last well . . . ahhh, probably not. That's unfortunate.
