Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Plugged In

I noticed this unusual piece of street art while (of course) walking Olga yesterday morning. Someone stenciled electrical outlets onto this wall along Finchley Road. Kind of funny, isn't it? I think there's a phone booth nearby -- I wonder if the wire from the plugs originally ran to the booth?

I don't know why I feel like I should apologize for the appallingly filthy conditions in that photo. After all, it's not my wall.

Here's a close-up. Those definitely look like British-style iPhone plugs!

So the courier for the "luxury pet hotel" showed up as planned yesterday and spirited Olga away to Enfield. She got all excited, thinking she was going for a walk, and when we walked her to the van she seemed skeptical but she got in as directed. The courier reassured us that the dogs have quarters with under-floor heating and lots of space to run around outside, and she was even permitted to take her Kong and her pink blanket with her. And still, still, I feel guilty.

It's absurd, really.

I spent the afternoon reading, finishing "The Immortalists" by Chloe Benjamin, which was certainly compelling. I really enjoyed it, and best of all, now I don't have to carry that book with me to Budapest!


  1. What a shame that you do not appear have a trusted friend, neighbour or work colleague (not co-worker) who could have looked after Olga for you while you are gallivanting about in Hungary.

  2. I'm so glad that sweet Olga got to take her pink blanket with her. I wish I could dog-sit for you!

  3. Well, that's a good dog to go way and not make too big of a fuss.

  4. I'm already feeling guilty about being away for three weeks next month though Minnie will be home with Marc.

  5. I get it completely. Even though my dogs got excited when I pulled into the Kennel parking lot, I felt guilty.

  6. I don't think it's absurd at all. If it were me, I'd feel exactly the same. I think a good business option might be a kennel with webcams inside so people to keep and eye on their dog from wherever they are.

  7. Just wondering, is her name an acronymn for Oh, Love Getting Away?!

  8. Olga will be fine. But I understand. I think we are all a little nuts about our animals.
    What an odd graffiti!

  9. I got all sad reading about Olga going in the van, hope she will be okay but then I'm such a softy, lol

  10. Not absurd at all . . . but you need time away, too. That street art is just one example of the kind of artistic talent that amazes me - a few lines, only two colours (if black and white are considered colours) and - done. And so realistic.
