Sunday, April 8, 2018

Primroses and Puddles

As you can see, a certain four-legged individual -- and her pink blanket and her Kong -- are now back home. The "luxury pet hotel" dropped her off yesterday morning, and at first she was all excited and ran around the house and garden at top speed, as if to reacquaint herself with things. Then she swiftly collapsed into a several-hour nap on the couch.

I suspect she probably didn't sleep as well as normal in a strange place -- and I get that. I never sleep as well as normal in hotels either.

Then, in the afternoon, we took a walk to the cemetery, where the primroses are blooming all over the place. They've seeded themselves and are now basically wild, growing among the headstones.

We came across this peculiar contraption. I have no idea what it could be. It's a wire cage that seems to be covering a hole filled with hay, and then the cage itself was covered with hay. Any ideas? Dave thought it might have something to do with hedgehogs, but if there are hedgehogs at the cemetery it's the first I've heard of them. (And it would be surprising, given how many dogs are running around there.)

Olga managed to find a gigantic puddle in which to loll, thereby requiring a bath when she got home. We're finally to the time of year when I can take her into the garden and hose her off, rather than defile our bathtub -- but she doesn't like that cold garden hose water at all.

So, yes, things are back to normal around here. And tomorrow work begins again, as we enter the home stretch before school gets out two months from now. Onward!


  1. I think the hole with wire over is probably one of the entrances to The Underworld which is a parallel universe with difference. In The Underworld there is no killing or starvation, no Brexit or Trump, no Putin or cancer. In The Underworld, people live in peace and harmony and read books and talk instead of watching trashy reality TV programmes while eating pizzas.

  2. I REALLY hope Yorkshire Pudding is right about the purpose of the hole covered with wire. I love the photo of primroses.

  3. Oh, I'm just so glad to see Olga home! She is content and she is happy.
    I have no idea what that wire and hay business is all about. Dave may be right.

  4. I suspect that my dogs get exhausted from all the "talking" that goes on at the kennel. Neither of mine are barkers but at the kennel they keep a pretty steady pace.

  5. So nice to see Olga enjoying all the comforts of home. I also hope that Yorkshire Pudding is right about that hole.

  6. Glad to see Olga back at home, puddles and all.

  7. So you and Dave are not the only ones to appreciate being home.

  8. when we were gone for that week last summer and Minnie stayed with my sister, she basically did the same thing when she got home. ran around checking to make sure everything was still there I guess.

  9. Olga looks very happy to be home with her family once again.

  10. Olga is so cute on her blanket! Our dogs hate the hose, too, but they're both too big and awkward for the tub. The last time I heaved 88 pound George into it, I pulled muscles in my back.

    I like the pretty primroses and think it's sweet that they grow wild in the cemetery. It looks like a nice place to visit.

  11. The cuteness! Olga on her pink blankie, curled up like a cat and sleeping the sleep of the happily ever after. Oh, the cuteness. I can almost hear her purring.

    Hey. I watch reality TV and pizza is my favorite food. I work in a charity used book store and people who come in drone on and on and on about their favorite books and I sit there, wishing I was home watching a Housewives of New York episode and eating pizza.

  12. What better to cheer me up on this horrible damp and dismal day but pictures of olga.

  13. Thank you for the Olga picture - when I saw that, combined with your title, it made me think of her in a puddle of pink :)

    From here that cage doesn't look strong enough to actually contain any critter large enough not to be able to escape through the holes. Maybe it's a child's project, a kind of make-believe "trap" not intended to actually catch anything. Very intriguing, anyway!

  14. Olga is one fortunate canine, and she knows it. Her photos and antics always make me smile.

  15. finally well enough to catch up with you, Delicious posts! Budapest looks way more cheerful than when I was there, still an ironblock country. Interesting! Glad you got to go, we hear that there is trouble brewing...
