Monday, May 7, 2018

Perfect Sunday

This was the theme around here yesterday. Especially for Olga, who is still on enforced rest time. She's not begging for walks, so her leg must still bother her. She seems happy to lie around in the sun.

As for me, I stayed home all morning, pottering around in the garden and reading on our bench, and then I went to our coworker Colin's barbecue. He lives nearby so it was just a matter of walking over there. I couldn't talk Dave into going. Like Olga, he's in rest mode.

Our first campion of the season!

I'm pretty sure this is the Solomon's seal sawfly, which lays the eggs that turn into caterpillars that feast on the leaves of the Solomon's seal. So I guess we'll have those to contend with later in the summer!

I spent a while trying to get a shot of a hoverfly in flight. On the positive side, they hover, which means the camera can focus on them. On the minus, they tend to shift erratically every few moments, so you've got to be quick!

Our orange geums are blooming, which balances out all the blue and purple from the borage, the forget-me-nots and the bluebells. We've also got orange and yellow wallflower, which is going gangbusters.

Olga sat next to me on the bench, watching squirrels in the trees overhead.


  1. What a fantastic capture of the hoverfly!

  2. I wonder what Olga was thinking as she looked up at the squirrels..."Come down here you little bastards and make my day!"

  3. Heat therapy you can't beat it for pain

  4. Sweet little Olga. I hope the dear pup heals quickly.

    That picture of the h over fly is incredible. I guess hover flies are good practice in sharpening the hand-eye-camera coordination so, well done.

  5. Although I am sorry that Olga must be in some discomfort, at least she is taking it easy, giving herself a chance to heal. Poor pup!
    That hoverfly shot is incredible! You are quick!

  6. Your garden is well on it's way to maturity when you can enjoy all the plants.

  7. Good to see Olga resting and not trying to run around. Hope she heals well and quickly. Love that hoverfly shot, and the garden is blooming beautifully there. Ah spring!

  8. Olga kind of reminds me of . . . me! I have become much more sedentary in my later years. Hopefully her leg will heal and she'll be back to scampering and accompanying you on long walks. Though snoozing in the sun ain't bad.

  9. Brilliant shot of the Hover fly, and the colour of the geum is beautiful. Hope Olga's leg continues to improve. Princess is the most miserable cat at the moment with this horrible cast on her leg, I just hope it mends quickly for her.

  10. Wow, that hoverfly shot is pretty darn spectacular. Very nice. I don't think my camera would be fast enough to focus to catch one. These photos look like summer has arrived in London.

  11. Summer at last. Great photos. Olga seems peaceful despite her injury. Best to Dave.

  12. I love the shot of Olga doing her imitation of a solar panel :)

    Your flowers have responded to the sun! It's amazing how just a few days of warmth will make everything come out.
