Thursday, May 17, 2018

Reflections with Dog, and Other iPhone Photos

Since I have nothing to write about except library inventory, here are some more iPhone photos! First, Olga and I were window-shopping at Roche Bobois (a swanky French furniture store) on Finchley Road yesterday morning. Can you see us? It's a little like "Where's Waldo?"

This is why no one should leave unattended bags of donated stuff sitting outside charity shops.

Dave has been making noise about wanting a La-Z-Boy. The other day I walked past these chairs, set out for the trash collectors, and sent him the photo, saying, "Look! Now we don't have to buy one!"

Some creepy graffiti I found on one of my walks.

Speaking of walks, I accidentally wore my dog-walking (and LOOP-walking) shoes to work the other day. About halfway there I looked down and realized they were on my feet, and I was like, "Nope. Not going back home." They were originally black. As you can see, they now have quite a patina.

Last spring there was a massive renovation project at this house, and I wondered about the fate of this bright red peony in the border of the driveway. Trucks and vans and construction materials were practically piled on top of it. But this spring, with the house finished and the workers gone, it came up again, completely unaffected.

I found a plant with huge leaves at the cemetery. (That's my size 10 1/2 EEE foot for comparison.) I think it might be burdock?

Let's be artistic with a Waterlogue version...

And finally, at the risk of overdoing the self-portrait-with-dog theme, another shot from Finchley Road yesterday. I really should be more conscientious about my facial expressions, but the sun was in my eyes. Yeah...that's my excuse.


  1. An interesting group of photos and expressions. Do you carry sun glasses?

  2. I'm intrighted by that waterlogged thing

  3. I've said it before but I'll say it again- I love your iPhone photos. They are so immediate. And to my untrained eye- completely acceptable as photos.
    Yes. Your shoes remind me of mine in the way we wear those suckers out.
    How'd Dave like his new recliner?

  4. Your iPhone walk photos are always so interesting. Love that last pic.

  5. Good story about the shoes. At least you have the guts to admit your little faux pas and tell the story.

  6. Another fun assortment of photos around your neighborhood. That furniture in the fancy store looks like big puffy marshmallows. You can certainly tell that your shoes have seen quite a lot of walking sometimes in harsh conditions. In the last photo, the girl's hair makes it look like you are about to be engulfed in flames. Is that the same charity shop that I stopped in and bought some Christmas cards before I headed to your house?

  7. I see socks in that pile of charity shop clothes. Really? Socks? People think other people would want to buy used socks? It must be for work, to be a charity shop volunteer.

    Your shoes do look as if they are wore hard and put away wet but they don't look like what I think of as hiking shoes. Is it because you live in Britain that you don't wear sneakers any more?

  8. Olga seems very patient as the photographer plies his trade.

  9. That furniture is groovy, man - love looking at it, not sure I'd buy it though. Not sure I could afford it anyway :)

    Olga makes any picture better, just so you know :D

  10. Love those layered reflection photos of you and Olga!
