Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Well, a certain someone made it home yesterday, and we're finally reunited as a family once again. Olga was delivered to us by the kennel in the late morning, and she raced inside, thundered around the house and out into the back yard, and spent the whole day lying in the sun and snoozing and being petted and eating special little pork chop scraps left over from our dinner. Safe to say she's a happy dog, back where she belongs.

I'm sure she's looking forward to being walked, too, but I can't take her out yet because it's raining the proverbial cats and dogs at the moment. And it rained a lot last night. So nice to see after our recent dry spell!

In fact, while Dave and I were traveling we must have had a bit of rain here, because I actually had to mow the lawn yesterday. I spent the morning tidying up the garden in general, staking and trimming and weeding and I think it's finally whipped into shape.

I haven't missed all the blackberries, either, for which I am happy. The bushes are loaded with ripe ones, and there are plenty more coming along so I think I'll have them at least for the next week -- until I leave again!


  1. I love the picture of Olga with the blurry flowers in the foreground. Did you and Dave also sing "Reunited" when Olga came home?

  2. Every time I use that word, I think of that song!

  3. I'm so happy that Olga is home, safe and sound, with her family! What a good girl!

  4. Thank you for The Olga Report!! (AND the photo) It's good to hear that she's back and happy and being pampered.

    We're heading into another "heat warning" heat wave. We just barely got out of the last one. But we did have rain a few nights ago, which was badly needed. But now our lawn needs mowing too. Grass recovers fast.

  5. Hurray! Olga's home! I know she's the happiest dog in the world!
    Those blackberries are gorgeous!
    Raining in Lloyd right now. Very pitter-pattery. Nice.

  6. What a lovely happy dog! We need rain badly but probably won't have any ever again. The lawn looks and feels like steelwool.

  7. always good when the dog comes home. that's a great picture of her behind the blurry loosestrife(?).

  8. Welcome Home, Steve and Dave and Olga! Oh, that sweet puppy must have had a heart bursting with joy to be back with her people, in her house, and in her garden. And what travel tales you can tell her, as you sip your G&T and she laps at her water bowl.

  9. Those blackberries look delicious! And, Olga looks happy to be home. We even had some rain here in Phoenix last night. Rain and lots of wind. I saw a tree down on the way to work.

  10. Olga!!! So glad to see that pup home again. Those berries look yummy. The wild blackberries that grow everywhere here are almost ready for picking. Can't wait!

  11. Olga looks so pleased to be out of that kennel and back where she can run around and sunbathe at her own discretion. And I know she'll be happy when you take her "on walkies".

  12. Now I can not get that song out of my head...glad you are back home.

    Our blackberries are abundant here, growing wild and crazy! We will need more sunny days for them to ripen though. Yours do look yummy!

  13. Looks and sounds like a great homecoming!

  14. We had bushels of bushes along the 1/2 mile driveway on the mountain. Those blackberries were a good warning system. When taking the dog for his morning walk, if there were berries to pick, fine, have some for breakfast. If there were no berries, don't take too long of a walk because at least one bear was around and had had an earlier breakfast!
