Monday, August 20, 2018

Dog in a Pub

This is the mystery bud. It's on a plant that grew in a pot on our patio table, and we have no idea what it is. I think it's a sunflower -- the plant is tall and skinny, about a foot high, and it could have come from some wayward birdseed distributed by a squirrel. (If so, it will be the first positive thing the squirrels did in our garden.)

We're watching it to see what happens. I'll report back!

Yesterday we met our friends Chris and Linda at the Black Lion pub for Sunday lunch. We sat out on the back patio, and we got there at noon, just as they were opening. So we had the whole patio to ourselves for the first half hour or so. I let Olga off her lead and she explored while we sat. She loves going to pubs, especially since she inevitably gets a few morsels of our food -- in this case several pieces of pork belly and some boneless chicken.

From the patio we had a pretty good view of that apartment building that burned in July. What a mess! Fortunately no one was hurt.

Anyway, today is going to be a busy day at work -- lots of beginning-the-year orientation stuff. I better get in gear!


  1. Winnie likes walking around pubs...she bums Crisps

  2. "I better get in gear!" What do male librarians wear when they go to work? I am betting baggy canvas trousers, a chunky woollen sweater (brown), Jesus sandals and Harry Potter spectacles.

  3. That bud could well be a sunflower ! Never grown them so not certain.

  4. That photo of Olga is so Steve Reed. All those straight lines and hard corners, and smack dab in the middle of it all there's little Olga with her polka dotted fur and sweet expression. Cute, and funny.

    Does your library have a "makers' space"? I hear they are all the rage with the kids these days and our library cut our used book store space in half to turn it into one of these "teen hangout" places. So far, I haven't seen one kid spend one minute in it.

  5. looks like a sunflower to me. no pubs here in the shitty little town that I chose to move too. wish I had know more about it before.

  6. Yes , a sunflower. when they grow in a confined pot they are spindly.

  7. Olga does look happy, and I vote sunflower too!

  8. Olga looks so cute standing there posing for the camera. It will be fun to find out about the unknown bud.

  9. Olga looks like she knows food is on the way and she's saying "don't forget about me".

  10. Yeah - like an old war-horse, even though I haven't taught in 7 years (!!) my heart beats a little faster when I see those back-to-school supplies at Staples.

  11. I thought all sunflowers grew to be seven feet high because those are all I've ever seen! But Red has solved that mystery with his comment.

    Olga loves pubs, eh? That's so funny. Dogs know which side their bread is buttered on, to use a somewhat-related expression.

    Good luck with getting back to the routine. The first few days are the hardest.

  12. Be sure to let us know what that turns out to be.

  13. I was hoping that Olga was the dog in the pub! With your headlines you never know :)

    Definitely a sunflower! Maybe. Probably.

  14. Red, I think you win the prize for solving the mystery. Although we all suspected a sunflower, you knew WHY it was growing small and spindly. Thanks!
