Thursday, August 23, 2018

Shoes on a Record Player

I'm off to work early today for some job training. So please enjoy another collection of recent iPhone photos!

First, a piece of street art I found walking Olga a few weeks ago. I wish I'd seen it before the rain washed out some of the color, but it looks like a collection of shoes on a record player...? Fancy footwork, indeed!

This is a pretty sterile-looking patio, but it's truly remarkable when you consider that it used to look like this. I think the owner did a major renovation. Let's hope the previous resident moves back in!

Wild jungle cats are roaming our street...

...and here's another wild animal, checking out the mounds of litter along the railroad tracks in West Hampstead. I always thought aluminum cans were desirable for recyclers. They used to pay for them, though I don't know if that's still the case. Why do they wind up discarded by the truckload?

My current favorite Brexit sticker, spotted in West Hampstead.

Remember the red chairs? Well, they disappeared pretty quickly, but in their place appeared this black couch and an old refrigerator. Sigh. Our street is plagued by homeless furniture.

Olga was quite interested in these gigantic sunflowers not far from our flat, even though they're just a bit past their prime.

And finally, I came across this discarded beer can. It struck me as a pretty funny name for a beer, even one "fresh hopped like a summer mowed lawn," as I think the can says. A beer after mowing the lawn always tastes good, but I'm not sure I want it to taste like the lawn.


  1. LOL, the beer name...You always find such great sights on your rambles. Have a good day.

  2. There should be a new TV programme hosted by your good self... "Good evening. I'm Steve Reed. Welcome to Roving Eye - the show that gets you into all the nooks and crannies of this world - where other photographers fail or forget to go..."

  3. Clever, that Stop Brexit poster.
    And beer that tastes, or even smells, like a freshly cut lawn!!

  4. I, too, hope for the sake of the U,K, that Brexit is stopped, The news sounds more grim everyday,

    Those are very impressive sunflowers growing out of the sidewalk.

  5. I love your iPhone photos.
    And wow! You're right- I hope the former residents move back in to that place too!

  6. Another fun walk around the neighborhood with Olga and your iPhone. Interesting how discarded furniture (among other things) is a trend everywhere these days.

  7. well, if the owner renovated that patio he did a crappy job of it and at least the furniture is getting used instead of ending up in the landfill. the trash reminded me of how clean Portugal trash!

  8. So if you keep your eyes open you see many interesting things. Yes, the beer name raises questions.

  9. Whoa, what an awful transformation of that patio. I got lost in your flicker, went all the way down a rather delightful rabbit hole. You take wonderful photographs.

  10. The contrast of that patio now vs before is very striking. I'd be hoping the old owner would come back too. My gosh that's a lot of trash up against that fence.

  11. LOVE the sunflowers! I think if the flowers don't return to that patio, you should print out the "before" picture & write "hint hint" on it & put it somewhere they can find it :)

  12. That couch looks comfy . . and well-used. And you might put that refrigerator on your back patio, stocked with Lawn Mower Amber Lager to refresh you after mowing your lawn!
