Monday, September 24, 2018

Dogs and Cats and Dinosaurs

It rained almost all weekend here, so I don't have much activity to report. Time for another mishmash of photos from my trusty iPhone, taken in recent weeks mainly while walking Olga!

First, some interesting packing tape on a box in a trash bin. Dogs and cats! (Or are they just dogs?) Regardless -- real good times indeed.

I call this "Suggestive Autumnal Still Life."

When Olga and I walked past this house, those cats were transfixed by her. They couldn't have cared less about me.

I loved this lost dinosaur wellie outside a house near Fortune Green. I want a pair! Unfortunately, by the standards of my feet, it was a size negative two.

Olga, sharing some very sage Buddhist advice...

...and soon afterwards, riding on the prow of a submarine. Or maybe beneath the prow. Which means she's swimming.

There's anarchy at the recently-renovated flat where all the beautiful flowers used to be.

And in the window of the minimalist antique store, which is also now closed and appears to be in mid-renovation, I found these ancient computer manuals. According to my very quick and possibly inaccurate Internet research, the Amstrad DMP 3000 was a dot-matrix printer from the mid-1980s, and Macintosh Performa computers were from the mid-'90s. Antiques in the computer world, at least!


  1. You are London's roving eye. You notice everything. It makes for some very interesting pictures.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful selection. I agree about your wonderful eye for detail.

  3. Love that photo with the cats. Such interesting reflections and the cat's poses are perfect. And dot matrix printers, gah! Remember the perforated printing paper, too?

  4. My first computer was a performa. I loved it.

  5. why don't they make fun shoes and boots in adult sizes? fun set of pictures.

  6. At least in the mid 80's and 90's they had sense enough to print a manual. For my brother printer there's no manual .

  7. Someone came into the used book store that I manage for our local library and tried to give me 4 old computer programming manuals. I mean, really? On what planet are people collecting vintage computer programming manuals? Why can't people throw that crap away??

    I LOVE the cats! I could stare at those cats for as long as it takes me to finish my cup of tea, marveling at the symmetry/assymetry of your composition. jJst beautiful. And the cats a mighty cute too.

    Oh god, I'm so tired of anarchists. Haven't they gone out of style yet? That graffito has been around since I was a kid, since feathered hair cuts and platform shoes, leisure suits and porn-star-quality mustaches. You would think that the kids could come up with something more original these days.

    It's always good to stroll through London through your lens.

  8. It's sort of comforting to know that some things become antiques so much quicker than I did. I love that wellie too. "Transfixed" is a good word to describe that laser focused stare on those two cats. I'm guessing they didn't even know you were there. Another fun assortment of shots.

  9. That adorable boot would make a great planter.

    Mr. Man has a storage unit full of ancient computer stuff from the '80's. difficult to get rid of because it was such a source of pride then, and investment! Wow those things were the price of a house. Managed to part with three last week, what to do with old tech?

    Olga looks great! Healthy, ready for more action. Swimming in shadow!

  10. Such great photos and good stories to go with them. I love Olga in her Zen moment.

  11. If I were you I'd lie down for awhile.

  12. Thanks for taking us along, and special thanks for taking your silly pills this morning! lol You made me smile and smile!

  13. I thought of you on Saturday night when I went with Carl to see the poet/photographer Teju Cole and a jazz artist in this wild collaboration of music and spoken word and photographs. Cole's new book is called Blind Spot. You should check it out.
