Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Ghost Light

Here's another household still life -- we can call it "Computer with Laundry and Crappy Drapes." I was going to bed the other night when I noticed the weird, cold light given off by the computer, and decided to take some shots. Our drapes, like our carpets, really are crappy. They belong to the landlord, and although we're trying to get the carpets replaced we've decided to ignore the drapes (or, as in the living room, take them down completely).

You've got to pick your battles.

I've had that brown blanket ever since I lived in Morocco in the early '90s. It's a brand called Mazafil, which is well-known in Morocco, and it's a great blanket.

Olga is off to the vet this morning -- I'm going to drop her at 8:15. My plan is to take her on her morning walk and then go straight there. That way I don't have to face denying her a customary end-of-walk treat. (She can't eat this morning before her surgery.) I know if I brought her home first and didn't give her a treat she'd hang around the kitchen, looking at me quizzically, and I can't stand those hungry eyes.

Dave and I saw "King of Thieves" over the weekend -- the movie about the Hatton Gardens jewelry heist. It's a good film, made all the more enjoyable by the performances of screen legends like Michael Caine, Jim Broadbent and Tom Courtenay. That burglary was a major event when it occurred over Easter weekend in 2015 -- in fact, I'm surprised I didn't write about it at the time, but apparently I didn't -- so it's interesting to see how a gang of criminal retirees pulled it off.


  1. "Crappy Drapes" produce some excellent curtains. It's my "go to" brand.
    I hope the vet is able to determine if there's anything they can do to help Olga as she grows older. Fingers crossed.

  2. Good luck to Olga today at the vet! I hope she gets nothing but good news.

  3. I can see some nice bamboo blinds in that corner. Would go well with that cool blanket.
    That sort of light at night drives me crazy. The router is in our room and I cover it every night before I go to bed.
    Good luck, Olga!

  4. Our critters have a way to manipulate us into giving them what they want. I guess they have us "trained."

  5. first thing I did when we bought this house was take down all the drapes, heavy lined drapes, sheers, and mini-blinds on all the windows. the only thing we kept were the mini-blinds. the bamboo blinds sound nice but might not block out enough light. and fingers crossed for Olga.

  6. That light does have a bit of an "alien" look to it. I'm sending positive thoughts out to Olga today!

  7. Computer light emits blue waves that stimulate wakefulness, I heard, so that's a ghost light for sure. Wishing Olga well today!

  8. Here's hoping you sort out the Olga mystery.
    And thanks for the peek into your house. It's always fun to be able to place people in their surroundings.

  9. Do you have IKEA where you are? In the US, they sell a decent looking blackout curtain for not a lot of money. I think we're going to be buying there. Drapes, along with so many other things, have just gotten ridiculously expensive. There are a lot of ghost lights in an RV. The green light on the CO2 detector on the ceiling is bright enough to cast a shadow. We had to cut a piece of post it note, use a black marker on it, and stick it over the light in order to sleep.

  10. Curtains and wall paper were the first to go when we moved into this house, but they were way more terrible than yours.
    Olga, awww, she is going to wonder. Dexter had some globs but they were not a cancer threat so we just left them...they went away! How lucky for us!

  11. It's surprising how much light our devices give off. I used to have a mini-flashlight for my purse but when the battery (expensive) went kaput, I realized my flip phone lights up plenty for anything I'd need a flashlight for.

    Crossing my fingers and toes that Olga comes home a happy girl, gobbles up her treats and has a solid sleep.

  12. Hoping all went well for Olga at the vet.
