Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Gods Smile

We took Olga back to the vet last night for a quick post-surgical checkup. The doctor and nurse took off her remaining bandage and looked her over, and she seems to be healing well. Olga has always seemed oblivious to pain, charging heedlessly through thickets and brambles on our walks, and she's no different at the moment -- she acts like the huge lines of stitches on both haunches aren't there at all. (We're still giving her a daily dose of pain medicine.)

Best of all, her pathology reports were already back, and the lumps removed from her legs were benign. Dave and I were both expecting the worst -- I don't know why, except that I always have a tendency to think "worst case scenario" in situations like that, just to prepare myself. Needless to say, we're relieved our worries were unfounded.

I finished "Educated" by Tara Westover -- I definitely recommend it. It's a harrowing and not always pleasant book, but it's also a remarkable story that questions our concepts not only of education but of identity and family. You probably know the story: She was raised in Idaho by survivalists who traffic in scrap metal and herbal medicine and believe school is a government brain-washing plot, and who stockpile food and fuel, believing the End of Days is imminent. Yet she managed to extricate herself and become a rational human being with a Ph.D. from Cambridge University. Pretty amazing!

(Photo: The time of unusual fall leaves has begun!)


  1. All's well that ends well; Olga of course hasn't worried one bit.
    Are you sure you didn't spray that leaf?

  2. So pleased that all is well for Olga. Give her a hug from me .

  3. That leaf was a great find. Could any human artist produce something so splendid? I think not.


  4. Oh so happy to hear the news about Olga! And I too was blown away by Educated. A tough story for sure, but Tara Westover is the true survivor. And her writing of this disturbing tale is like clear bright water, never obscuring but giving a subtle shimmer to her story that makes it not just possible to keep going, but impossible not to.

  5. I am so glad!
    And you know- that's another "bull dog" thing- the insensitivity to pain! My first husband and I had a bulldog once, a male, who in the process of clambering over a barbwire fence (I forget why), he almost lost his male appendage. The dog acted as if nothing was wrong at all as we took him, dripping blood to the vet who sewed it back on.
    It was more traumatic for the humans than for the dog!
    Anyway, hurray for Olga and you have reminded me to be on the lookout for the Bradford pear leaves that look like the Virgin of Guadalupe.
    And hey! Tara Westover is on a few of the podcasts of Mormon Stories. Yes. I am still obsessed.

  6. Wonderful news that Olga's tests turned out so well. A great sigh of relief! And that leaf is really beautiful. We have so many oaks so just plain brown ones here.

  7. what a cool leaf. and I'm glad Olga's lumps were benign.

  8. I recently heard an interview with this woman. she has to be a very strong character.

  9. Great news about Olga! So happy about that. And what a beautiful leaf you found there.

  10. Oh I'm so glad to hear Olga's good news! She'll be bouncing around again very soon. I love that leaf you found.

  11. Great leaf photo. And Olga - you rule, girl!

  12. I'm so glad for you and for Olga! And that leaf is something special.

    Like Red, I heard an interview with Tara Westover recently. Probably on NPR. It sounds like a fascinating life story!

  13. I'm relieved about Olga; I tend to expect the worst, too, for the same reason you suggested. Looking forward to Smiling Olga again!

    I thought you had two leaves there, one on top of the other, when I saw the small version of the picture in Blogger Dashboard. It's very striking.

  14. What a relief that Olga's OK! I'm halfway 'Educated' and I'm totally in awe of this girl, how she's still alive after a childhood like that is nothing but a miracle!

  15. Yay, for Olga and thanks for the review. I have the book on my TBR list.
