Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Mice and Miscellany

Not much news around here today. Our mouse situation has picked up again. We've caught three in traps in just the last few days, for a total of 22 since we started keeping count early this year. Maybe they're moving inside as the weather gets colder?

While walking Olga yesterday morning I found two plastic trash bags full of paperback books. I brought them home but was disappointed to find most of the books are in Turkish. I'm not sure I can even donate them to Oxfam, but maybe I'll try. There were a handful of English ones too -- nothing I would want to read, but somebody might. For example, there's a 624-page tome called "The Queen's Necklace" by Frances Mossiker, about Marie Antoinette. That's way too much decadent royalty for me.

Dave and I finished "The Americans" last night. I found the final episode lacking, but overall I really enjoyed he show. I'm looking forward to starting some new series, though!

(Photo: Shops in Clerkenwell, in roughly the same neighborhood where "Oliver Twist" takes place.)


  1. My blood is boiling! There are two apostrophes missing from the barbershop signage! It's outrageous! I shall be contacting the apostrophe police forthwith!

  2. That’s a impressive dent in the mouse population! I’m not a fan of mice, Too bad about the books, better luck next time,

  3. Oh dear. You have to find out where those mice are getting in. That's all there is to it. This may require a professional.
    Probably not the gas company this time.

  4. Wow, I loved the final episode of The Americans! I thought it was one of the best season finales ever, and even watched it again the next day. I find it fascinating how people can have such widely divergents responses to the same event.

  5. Tell the Apostrophe Police that they are hunting down one of the ever elusive Plural Possessives. It might be hiding out under "G" (for "genitive").

  6. Your mice probably know where the best food is and it's easy to get. Three means a litter was born in the house.

  7. Bummer about the mice. They are definitely annoying persistent little critters. I hope you find how they are getting and once in, where they are staying.

  8. "Bag Full of Books" - a good name for a rock band.

  9. No doubt the mice are thinking about a warm winter residence. We have used a product called "Fresh Cab" from Amazon for our cars. Change the packets every 6 months. If you know the entry point maybe it would be a deterrent.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. (2nd attempt)
    A strange combination: a gentlemen's (apostrophe added) hairdresser next door to Bamalama Prints and Posters. Interesting bedfellows (so to speak).

  12. That's a lot of mice. Around here they definitely do try to get in under a roof as the weather gets cooler, so I'd guess you're right about that.

    Too bad the books weren't in English! Is there much of a Turkish population in London, I wonder?
