Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Hospital Butterfly

Here's another photo mural from the elevator lobbies at the Royal Free Hospital. (You may remember, but probably not, that I blogged the fish a few years ago.) I took this during our visit on Sunday.

Part 1 of the Great Carpet Odyssey was completed successfully yesterday morning. The handyman (men, actually) showed up about 10:30 and removed the old stuff, including the padding underneath, in about 20 minutes. They left behind some of the fasteners, though -- I have to go in this morning and pull old staples out of the floor before the guys show up with the new rug later today. I was going to leave them but I don't want the new installers to balk at having to deal with them.

So, anyway, maybe tomorrow I'll have some photos to show you. I know you can't wait.


  1. That is beautiful Steve. We have dolphins on our wall in the main foyer. We have a huge new hospital being built and it will be interesting to see what murals they paint on the walls there. I'm wondering where they are going to get the nurses etc as they have closed down wards in the old part due to lack of staff. LIfe's a puzzle isn't it?

  2. Tomorrow? I am not holding my breath given your landlord's past record...but sometimes dreams do come true, don't they?

  3. Worse than balking at the staples would be if the installers laid the carpet right over them . . . When our house was built thirty-four years ago, the plasterers left numerous lumps of dried plaster and copious muddy footprints on the floors. The carpet people didn't remove them. We were living elsewhere at the time, with two small children, and I did not know any of this until my husband pulled up the carpets two years ago in preparation for laying hardwood floor. With the prices they charge, you'd think they could have at least swept the floors!

    You're probably thinking that thirty-two years is way too long to have the same carpet on the floor, and you'd probably be right, but they did wear extremely well, we are quite tidy people and also had a shoes off at the front door policy, so it wasn't that bad!

    I hope this installation goes uncharacteristically smoothly! It seems wrong to have to characterize home repairs as usually full of problems, but sadly it's the truth.

  4. That wall is stunning - so much better than those pea-soup green walls we always used to see.
    Good progress on the carpet. Halfway there!

  5. Oh my gosh , what a sight to behold!

  6. I don't know. Things that are supposed to be small that are made very large sort of freak me out. Hospitals do try, these days, to lighten things up, make things less stressful and prettier for the people who must visit them but for some reason, it always hits a false note to me. Still, as Marty said, better than the bare, industrial green walls they all used to have.
    Good luck with the carpet!

  7. there's an art consultant in the city that specializes in health care interiors. we did work for him for quite a few hospitals so I'm lways happy to see art in hospitals or anywhere for that matter.

  8. I'll bet it's a new crew of workers who show up to do the installation.

  9. Step one complete! I bet you are anxious to get things back to normal.
    I love the butterfly murals. It's very up lifting.

  10. Love that butterfly mural. Wow. It's beautiful. Can't wait to see the new carpet!

  11. Beautiful! Love the blue... I'm curious to see what your new carpet will look like!

  12. Dats a byootiful bug! Hope your new carpeting equals it.

  13. Blue morpho. Rain forest.I could stare at this creature and be happy, and forget that I'm in a hospital.

  14. The blue of the butterfly is lovely, but the size of it is a bit overwhelming. Not the wings, but the head.
