Sunday, November 11, 2018

No More Imaginary Moths

Well, yesterday wasn't quite as chaotic as I thought it might be -- the roofers didn't show up. I guess they don't work on Saturdays.

But the the moth guy did show up, around 11:30, at which point Dave, Olga and I were banished from the house for three hours. The exterminator, Greg, who had an Eastern European accent and who seemed as unconvinced as us that a treatment was even necessary, said he would be spraying by hand. I'd envisioned more of a "room fogger" approach, but apparently not. We just had to be gone until it dried.

So Dave went to a cafe on the high street to do some schoolwork, and Olga and I went to the Heath, which was beautifully autumnal. We even had sunshine, because yesterday's rain didn't materialize until the afternoon.

As usual, Olga was a squirrel-killing machine. (At least in her own mind.) She makes passers-by laugh, she is so maniacal. At one point she was leaping around the base of a tree, barking, and a guy walking past said, "Bark it down! It will fall from fear!"

After our long walk we got home to find the flat pretty much the same. I only saw one area where spraying was obvious, and there was no smell at all. I stayed out of the dining room, where the carpet is being replaced this week and where these erstwhile moths (and hence the spray) are supposedly concentrated.

My ever-considerate spouse bought me a bottle of wine at OddBins, even though he hasn't been drinking anything himself because of his Crohn's. So I was able to have a few glasses last night as we watched TV -- a Netflix show called "Safe," with Michael C. Hall, which is pretty good! We binged three episodes!


  1. There once was a squirrel called Cyril
    He ran up a tree on the heath
    And laughed when Olga came running
    To bark from the ground far beneath
    She barked all day and barked all night
    As her owner kept yelling "Let's go!"
    And Cyril snoozed on a leafy limb
    Undisturbed by the barking below.

  2. There once was a bug named Mothra
    Who was as dead as could possibly be
    But who was killed a second time yesterday
    While Olga barked at the base of a tree
    When Olga finally got home
    Her bloodlust still wild and untamed
    She killed poor Mothra a third time
    Then curled up and slept through the rain.

  3. are you sure they weren't making sure the carpet was dead before they removed it? Minnie loves to chase squirrels too but she doesn't bother with them once they run up a tree but she is convinced something is living under the abandoned truck in my absent neighbor's yard. she will bark incessantly at it.

  4. That Netflix show is one I watched a couple of months ago. It really is a very good series. That's a beautiful tree behind Olga.
    You have a couple of poets above. Very nice!

  5. I love "Bark it down. It will fall from fear." So much like politics lately.

  6. you have a very considerate spouse, indeed. And a fierce doggy. What a delightful combo they are.

    Good luck with the on-going work in your home. What a bother. I will investigate the series. I've just started The Sinner after a friend of mine in Mexico recommended it. Dark. Very dark.

  7. YP and Ms Moon: Wow! I am so impressed! Cyril is indeed victorious and I definitely hope Mothra is not. :)

    Ellen: I think that's exactly what they're trying to ensure, but believe me, there are no moths in that carpet. This whole thing is a silly exercise in futility.

    Sharon: It's a good show, isn't it? I don't know why it didn't get more press, or maybe I just missed it.

    Robin: It was a funny remark! Hope you're faring OK out there in fiery California. Horrible!

    Tara: I saw previews for "The Sinner" and it looks interesting. Let me know if you like it.

  8. always appreciate the binge watching suggestions. and olga is personality plus. also you seem to have inspired some poetry here.
