Monday, May 6, 2019

Fun Fair

Dave and I had plans yesterday afternoon, so I knew if Olga and I were going to get a long walk, it would have to be in the morning. Right after breakfast I took her up to the Clitterhouse Playing Fields, where we discovered a fun fair had been set up with rides and whatnot.

Olga wanted to ride the Viking Boat, but alas, nothing was open yet. Besides, she probably wouldn't meet the height and/or weight requirement.

Then we walked over to Basing Hill Park, which we'd never visited before. It was no great shakes -- just a big grassy field -- but good for some Kong-throwing. We came home through Child's Hill Park, home of this goofy trash can.

I did some laundry before Dave and I caught a bus to Notting Hill for a pub lunch with our friends Chris and Linda. These are our pro-Brexit friends, and I'm always afraid we're going to wind up in a political conversation -- but even Brexiteers have trouble defending Brexit these days, the whole thing has become such a hash. Chris wound up grousing about politicians in general, and I know he was thinking they've mucked things up. But it's pretty much impossible NOT to muck up such an impractical and foolhardy proposal, isn't it? No matter how much you dress up a pig, in the end, it's still a pig.

Anyway, lunch was fun (we had lively conversations about other, less onerous topics). Then Dave and I came home and I mowed the lawn:

I got a strange letter from Citibank on Friday, telling me they're canceling my credit card. This isn't a huge problem, since I almost never use it, but I've had it for thirty years (yes, since 1989!) and it's my only one. I have two debit cards that I use much more often. Their letter said the account would be closed on July 17 "because Citi no longer services U. S. card products with a mailing address in your country of residence." They added helpfully, "Your creditworthiness wasn't a factor in our decision."

I wonder if this is a Brexit thing.

Honestly, I've considered canceling this card anyway, so I'm not too worried about it. But it seems like maybe I should have at least one credit card, doesn't it? Isn't it bad for my credit rating to not have one? Maybe I should transfer the billing address to one of my relative's houses in Florida. (I get paperless bills, anyway.) Or maybe I should just apply for a new card here in England. Decisions, decisions!


  1. I'm in awe that you have no credit cards and thus no credit card debt. Sigh.

  2. I'm in the same camp. The fewer credit cards the better I use mine, though. Olga looks content in that field...

  3. Is the red bin laughing at Olga's ass? Some bins have no manners. It is very rude to laugh at a girl's ass, even if it does have a wiggly little black and white tail sticking out of it.

  4. How times change, once they didn't like to give you credit if you already had some, now you need to be in debt to get any.
    We have a credit card but only use it in emergencies.
    Your garden is looking good, wish mine was bigger.

  5. I laughed at the pig dressing metaphor but really it's just very sad. Poor pig.

  6. I love Olga in that first picture, stretched out on the grass. And she's always smiling, it seems like. :) Sweet girl.

  7. I always feel like one credit card is a good thing. Even if you never use it, it's there in case some unforeseen emergency comes up.
    You're a good man to continue to socialize with people with such different views.

  8. it must be the season for carnivals and the one at the Youth Fair had that same boat ride.

    we have two credit cards, one for Costco, and one for anything else. No debit cards as we each get a cash allowance for personal purchases. the credit card gets used sparingly and is paid off every month so no continuing debt.

    I'm glad you had a good visit with your politically opposed friends. I can't tolerate Trump supporters.

  9. It's not only Brexit that's a mess. Politicians seem to be able to make a mess of the simplest things because all they have in their heads is to get elected again.

  10. Having one credit card is a good thing. I don't know why, but I still prefer writing checks. But for some things a credit card definitely comes in handy. I've never used my debit card.

  11. What an interesting reason to cancel a credit card. I wonder if it does have anything to do with Brexit. I'm of the mind set that one card plus the debit card is enough. Olga looks like she really would like to go to that fun fair.

  12. I would get a new credit card. Your credit rating is affected by how much available credit you have, vs. what you're using. The FICO people are relentless in their surveillance of that. We never use debit cards, or cash if we can help it. We have two cash back cards that generate paltry yearly checks. Sounds like the Florida address would work for the issuing company.

  13. Citi also cancelled one of my cards that I had received through my Costco membership. I had canceled that several years ago so the card wasn't any good anyway. Now I've rejoined Costco but have not applied for a new credit card. I use a couple of debit cards, like you.

  14. Love your lush garden it looks like it's doing really well. I have a credit card which stays home I use it only to book flights where they always ask for credit cards. For daily living I still pay cash and I still write checks for monthly bills I guess what ever makes one comfortable.

  15. Shame about the viking boat ride; Olga would make an awesome figurehead :)

    Your garden is lovely and green and well-cared for.

  16. Your garden is lovely. Is the upstairs balcony connected to your apartment?

  17. I had a Citibank card cancelled recently too - I'd had it since 1993, but I hadn't used it in FOREVER. They must be cleaning up their accounts. They're evil anyway, so I didn't care.
