Monday, May 27, 2019

One Big Leaf

I couldn't endure another day without taking the dog on a lengthy adventure, so yesterday she and I went to the Heath. Unlike last weekend, she seemed more energetic, so we stuck to our regular route and even walked a bit longer than usual.

The sun poured down on the trees over our heads, illuminating the leaves. Don't those branches (above) look a bit like the veins in a leaf? It's almost as if all those little leaves came together to form one big leaf. Which I guess sort of is what happens.

Remember the irises in the pond on Sandy Heath? A few months ago they were just sprouting, but now they're in bloom. Bees were buzzing in and out of their yellow throats.

Some rhododendrons were blooming nearby. I think these are a different variety from the ones that appeared a few months ago, though they're in roughly the same place.

The fields were full of buttercups.

Olga didn't have fun at all, as you can see! She's been pretty much passed out ever since we got home. Even now, she's lying by my feet, snoring away.


  1. As you have said before, Olga is growing older and slowing down. Have you considered buying a baby buggy for her? It may not be needed right now but in the future you could push her round on her walks. You could even dress her like a baby. You could call the baby buggy "The Olgamobile".

  2. Those rhododendrons look very much like azaleas. I know they're related.
    What a lovely walk with Olga. She's such a good familiar for you. She always seems so chill.
    How's Dave feeling?

  3. Good eye on the first photo. You made me go back and take a second look at it.

  4. I love these pictures. Have you heard of canopy shyness? It's a term for the way trees make space for each other to allow for light and growth.

  5. Beautiful photos. Such an interesting perspective on the branch and leaves. Love that. Olga looks so happy. What a grand sunny day walk!

  6. That photo of the buttercups is just lovely. I imagine there must be something deeply peaceful about having Olga at your feet snoring, worn out and serene.

  7. Great nature shots and that is one happy dog.

  8. I really need to find somewhere around here that would give me a similar walk. So lovely! Maybe when it's not in the 90s. Love that last photo of Olga - she just lives the best life!

  9. I would love an enlargement of that first photo

  10. Olga could not look any happier if she tried. Dogs do know how to enjoy life.

  11. Hey, that first shot really does look like a giant leaf with veins! Good eye.

    I can't help smiling whenever I see a picture of Olga with that grin. Very infectious :)
